Tailing In Indonesian Mines

The Rise and Rise of Indonesian HPAL – But Can It …

On land options include the dry stacking of tailings, using tailings as backfill in mines and building conventional tailings dams. Due to rainfall, the potential for dry stacking is difficult and costly, but by building a conventional tailing dam with very little hard-rock available to secure its walls, there is always a risk of collapse.

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Sat Indonesia Copper Ore Mining

INDONESIA. On 12 December 2022, Indonesia's government issued an implementing regulation (No. 49 Year 2022) to the VAT section of the 2021 Tax Harmonisation Law (UU HPP) that provides clarifying details and guidance on the VAT exemption for the mining and drilling industry.

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Indonesia: Preventing the looming Dairi Prima …

Proposed tailings dam for Indonesian zinc mine 'almost certain' to collapse — Deutsche Welle — June 3, 2021. Why a Big Mining Project Could Wipe Out Rural Villages in Indonesia — Yale Environment 360 …

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Martabe Gold Mine

The Martabe Gold Mine, located approximately 40 km southeast of Sibolga in North Sumatra, Indonesia, is an operating gold mine that processes 4.5 Mt of gold ore per year. Co-disposal of waste occurs with all open pit mine waste utilized in the construction of the tailings storage facility (TSF) embankment. The mine also includes a process plant ...

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Mine tailings are the finely ground natural rock particles that remain after the commercially valuable minerals have been separated and removed from the ore. At PT-FI, ore …

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'We believe Canada needs more nickel,' Wyloo boss says

The price of nickel has come down 40 per cent since 2022, due to a flood of Indonesian nickel being processed by China, Straub said. Canadian nickel is considered to have a lower carbon footprint than Indonesian nickel, which is powered by coal, and Wyloo is currently working towards establishing a price index for low-carbon nickel with …

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Nickel revolution has Indonesia chasing battery …

When Indonesia decided against granting permits for deep-sea tailing disposal in 2021, the policy U-turn led to delays to several nickel projects in Sulawesi. So far, the local economy is reaping ...

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Potential risk, leaching behavior and mechanism of heavy …

The tailing samples (labeled as MT-1, MT-2, MT-3, and MT-4) were collected from the impoundments in the Yaoposhan mining area, which has decades of opencast mining for lead-zinc ores and limonite. The specific information about the area has been illustrated in our previous studies and is briefly summarized in the Supplementary …

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Indonesia Miner : Indonesia's Ni expansion via HPAL could …

Proper disposal of tailings waste could pose another challenge to Indonesia's planned HPAL expansion, particularly with increasing scrutiny on the environmental, …

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Indonesian Mining 2006

Indonesia is among the top 10 producers in the world for gold, copper, nickel and tin. Its world-class mines include Grasberg, Batu Hijau and Soroako. Active mining companies include Antam, Freeport, Koba Tin, Newcrest, Newmont and Timah. The country is a key supplier of minerals and metals to Asia's leading industrialised and …

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The rise and rise of Indonesian HPAL – can it …

The outlawing of DSTP was a ruling which also meant that the HPAL projects were delayed somewhat while alternatives were found. The requirement for land-based tailings disposal also added to the capital …

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Characteristics of Deposited mine tailing on the Senunu …

Characteristics of Deposited mine tailing on the Senunu Canyon, Indonesia, Y Witasari, Helfinalis, E Kusmanto, W Prayogo

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Nickel price: Indonesia halts deep-sea mining disposal

Indonesia has a chequered environmental track record in mining so EV companies could be cautious about directly investing given environmentally-conscious consumers, experts say.

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Indonesia's EV battery aspirations unearth mining waste problems

"There are alternative options like dry-stack tailing, a method which absorbs all the water content in the tailing, then use the dry material for mine pit reclamation," he said. Dry-stacking reduces the environmental threat towards marine biodiversity and allows metal recovery and re-extraction, while DSTD excludes these possibilities.

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PT Freeport Indonesia

Salah satu volume limbah terbesar di operasi-operasi kami berbentuk tailing - sisa air dan bebatuan alamiah di permukaan tanah yang sangat halus setelah konsentrat terpisah dari bijih di pabrik pengolahan.Proses …

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Heavy Metals in Water of Stream Near an Amalgamation Tailing …

5. Limbong D, Kumampung J, Rimper J, Arai T, Miyazaki N. Emissions and environmental implications of mercury from artisanal gold mining in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Science of The Total Environment 2003;302(1â€"3):227â€"236. 6. Aspinall C. Smallâ€"scale mining in Indonesia: mining, minerals and sustainable development …

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Tailings and Mine Waste Conference Series – Geotechnical, …

In November 2024, the Tailings and Mine Waste conference will be hosted November 10-13 by the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at Colorado State University. The conference program will include exemplary technical presentations and keynotes by practitioners and well-known experts from across the world.

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PT-FI operates a controlled riverine tailings management system, which was implemented based on methods approved and permitted by the Indonesia government. PT-FI's controlled riverine tailings management …

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Wetar Copper Mine

The Wetar Copper Mine in Wetar Island, Indonesia. The Wetar Copper Mine is the only mine in Indonesia that produces and directly exports copper cathodes. This mine is operated by PT Batutua Kharisma Permai (BKP), the holder of the mining business permit for copper production operations, and PT Batutua Tembaga Raya (BTR), the holder of …

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The Rise and Rise of Indonesian HPAL – But Can It Continue?

The China ENFI Engineering Corporation (ENFI) is the key technical provider at PT Halmahera Lygend on Obi Island. ENFI, which is a subsidiary of the Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC), has drawn on its experience from designing the Ramu plant and has adopted a very similar flowsheet for the Obi Island facility. Both Ra…

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Nickel revolution has Indonesia chasing battery riches

When Indonesia decided against granting permits for deep-sea tailing disposal in 2021, the policy U-turn led to delays to several nickel projects in Sulawesi. So far, the local economy is reaping ...

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Critical Minerals from Post-Processing Tailing. A …

The growing demand for critical raw materials (rare earth elements—REE, Nb, Ta, and others) enforces a need to look for their alternative sources. Distortions of the mineral supply chain caused by …

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Tailings and Mine Waste Conference Series – …

In November 2024, the Tailings and Mine Waste conference will be hosted November 10-13 by the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at Colorado State University. The conference program will include …

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Baseline Study and Gap Analysis on Mining in Indonesia

Baseline Study and Gap Analysis on Mining in Indonesia 7 The expected gap between these two areas is identified as potential factors triggering or creating adverse social impacts and responses that emerge in the form of contention and conflict. In general, contention and conflict reflect the acceptance of the mining industry in Indonesia.

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Targeting rare earth element bearing mine tailings on …

The reflectance spectra of a tailing sample from Bangka island (black line), measured by Purwadi et al. (2019). ... The location of this study is an approximately 460 × 250 m tailings heap in a former tin mine on Bangka island, Indonesia (Fig. 2). Bangka island is a part of the South-East Asian Tin Belt, extending from Myanmar, Thailand ...

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The rise and rise of Indonesian HPAL – can it …

On-land options include the dry stacking of tailings, using tailings as backfill in mines and building conventional tailings dams. Due to rainfall, the potential for dry stacking is difficult and costly, but by …

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Indonesian Mining and Energy Journal (IMEJ)

Pemanfaatan Tailing Bijih Nikel Sebagai Campuran Beton Penyangga. AFP Rachmat, PN Hartami, D Putra, EJ Tuheteru. Indonesian Mining and Energy Journal 5 (1), 1-8, 2022. 1: 2022: WAKTU HANG TIME DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS EXCAVATOR. ... Indonesian Mining and Energy Journal 4 (2), 109-117, 2021. 1: 2021:

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headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, USA and MIND ID, Indonesia's state-owned mining enterprise. The government of Indonesia, through MIND ID, owns 51.24% of PTFI, and FCX owns 48.76% and controls and operates PTFI pursuant to its shareholders agreement. In late 2018, the Indonesia government granted PTFI a new special mining license …

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Submarine and deep-sea mine tailing placements: A review …

In the Senunu canyon (Indonesia), which receives the tailings from the Batu Hijau copper–gold mine, copper concentration was significantly higher only close to the discharge point, suggesting a localized impact and limited tailing dispersal (Angel et al., 2013). In Greenland, the influence area of the tailings from the former Black Angel Pb ...

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The Tailings Center

Sustainable management of mine waste requires an experienced and multidisciplinary team of trained engineers to design, construct, operate and monitor Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) from conceptualization through closure. Historically, tailings engineers have received on-the-job training in mine waste management. There is a critical need to build …

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