Refining Gold From Ore Php

Use of Nitric to get rid of base metals | Gold Refining

Roasting sulfide is a must, adding iron (like nails) to the roast can help to convert the sulfides and drive off the sulfide as SO2 gas, sulfide can lock up you're gold in the ore keeping a leach from getting to it. sulfide can be handy when concentrating the ore as they like to float in a froth of air and oil, but for leaching sulfides are trouble.

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Gold Ore and Bleach Insight

Trying to adapt the HCl/Clorox method, designed for refining gold, to leaching gold from ore is a waste of time. Plus, you will lay out more money in acid to try and remove base metals from ore than you will likely ever hope to recover from that ore in gold. Most patents show leaching with sodium hypochlorite to be done at a pH closer to ...

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As simply as possible; where can I get ORE assayed? | Gold Refining

Depends on the ore, Lou. I processed one that ran in excess of 300 ounces/ton gold. Run the numbers on that and the 3% doesn't look all that unreasonable. It should be noted, in the ore I ran, gold was readily visible to the naked eye. I would expect that with 3% ore, it would be obvious. I wonder----was the ore in question from …

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Documented Gold Bearing Telluride/Oxide Ores

Auriferrous ores contain Silicate, Vanadate, Sulfate, Nitrate, Phosphate, Carbonate, Hydrate, and Arsenate compounds as secondary inclusions. Common Telluride ores are: Calaverite - can assay from 20- 70% gold and it is easy to recover Hessite - Resembles Petzite. Usually about 60% silver Petzite - A telluride that is mostly silver. …

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A systematic review of sustainable gold extraction from raw …

copper–gold ores: A dithiophosphate collector at an alkaline pH must be used (controlled by lime or soda ash if the pyrite content in the ore is low). Oxide …

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refining gold with a propane forge

This is the best information i could get. Please help me to refine this ore . I need some help with a propane forge to smelt out the gold. Ventilation is no problem, got a large roll up door and fans. i need to know what kind or borax and flux to use. How much of each per ounce of crushed ore. I am building a rock crusher and 4" diameter forge.

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How do I refine "Hi Sulphide Ore"?

Paige, I'm no expert on refining ore, but the idea behind heating is to drive off the sulfur before processing. I have a prospecting book at the house that has some testing procedures for sulfide gold ores. I'll post some realitive information when I get home here in a few hours. Steve . Reply. P. Paige Well-known member. Joined Mar 18, 2007 ...

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Leach Gold Ore with Chlorination

Gold can then be precipitated from the solution with metabisulfite. If you are working with small ore samples you will most likely not have enough gold in solution to precipitate, use the stannous test as a check on gold presence. The article is a typical research job where any actual knowledge was absent. Deano

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can someone explain me how stannous chloride work | Gold Refining

ericrm, I do not know if I can answer this, but here is how I see it. The tin chloride (stannous chloride) does reduce the gold (gold from solution gains an electron), and goes back to being a metallic gold, the gold does not precipitate (at least not for a very long time), as this tin kind of makes a gel in solution holding the very small fine flakes of …

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rhodium dissolution

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. A. arthur kierski Well-known member. Joined Feb 10, 2008 ... Ore & Geochemical. G. If you are serious about refining, this is a good read. Latest: galenrog; Saturday at 9:55 PM; General Gold Refining …

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By the lab or by someone else? Do you have a proper assay of the ore? In a normal ore the precious metal is measured in grams per ton, how much ore were used to create those buttons? Generally speaking, the XRF test of the pure metal is not an assay of the ore, it is an assay of the button. The composition of an ore usually affect how to ...

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Platinum, palladium and gold leaching from magnetite ore, …

A leaching process for platinum contained in a magnetite ore was studied, as an alternative process to cyanidation and aqua regia digestion. The proposed process employs concentrated chloride solutions and ozone gas injection during the entire leaching process.

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planning to use aqua regia on ore

Aqua regia on ores is not suitable. 0.2-0.5% cyanide solution is used in industry. Healthier altenative is to use 0.5 % of thiourea mixed with about the same amount of Ferric Sulfate Fe2(SO4)3. Yet another option is 0.2% of …

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Treating the Gold Ore with Aqua regia | Gold Refining

Just because the nitric acid did not dissolve the green part of the ore when treated with nitric does not mean it is, or is not, a copper based ore, the copper minerals in ore will not react to acids the same way a metal like copper would react with acid, An ore may be treated with an acid, and the acid may not have much reaction upon the rock ...

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Processing arsenopyrite gold ore

I want to personally "Thank You" for deciding to post your questions to the open forum :!: Its what this forum is all about - the open discussion of ALL aspects of the recovery & refining of gold (& other PMs) so that we can ALL benefit from the questions & answers of the open discussions in this field - regardless of the source the PMs are …

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Recovery of gold from sulfide refractory gold ore: Oxidation …

The major chemical components of the sulfide refractory gold ore and pyrite are shown in Table 2. The sulfide refractory gold ore (SRGO) contains 30.34% Fe, …

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Aqua Regia re-use | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Ore can produce some very deadly gases (in the roasting process), and in the leaching process arsenic is one of many poisons which can be produced from working with ores. The gold can be both in free gold and gold compounds to refractory ores resistant to a leaching process.

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Extracting Gold from Ore by Aqua Regia method

Oct 4, 2017. #17. Step one is to have the ore tested by Assay. This will tell you if there is actually gold in the ore. What you have is quartz, one of the most common minerals on …

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Help with HCl and Bleach

2Au + 6HCl + 3NaClO --> 2AuCl3 + 3NaCl + 3H2O From the equation theoretically, two moles of gold (2 x 196.97 grams) or 393.94 grams of gold will react with six moles of HCl acid (6 x 36.46g) or 218.77 grams of HCl and three moles of sodium hypochlorite (3 x 0.0134g) or 0.0402 grams of NaClO -----> to yield two moles of gold …

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Blue Clay

For the record---in all my years of refining, I never, ... The gold ore of which I speak was purchased (most likely under the table) from a mine known to produce high grade gold and silver ore. I related a tale some time ago that parallels this one, and the ending was sad. Three men worked a claim for a few summer months, resulting in one …

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Crushed ore-microscope pictures-help please | Gold Refining …

I should crush up that ore from the first vein and take micro pics of the panned minerals in it also. The reason I chose to crush the other ore from the sedimentary vein and take the micro pics of it is because it broke up very easily and the cracked surface looked so mineralized with all the pyrites etc.

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Small Placer Mining Operation in Arizona | Gold Refining

I just recently purchased a Denver 18 special 4-cell flotation tanks which I am hoping to implement into the milling circuit, since about 45% of the gold is in the gold-bearing pyrite ore. The biggest challenge to gold recovery in the ore I'm running is that is mostly averages around 250-325 mesh.

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Smelting flux recipe notes from a large gold mine | Gold Refining

The recommended flux recipes in refining are: 1) Mostly gold concentrates, heating at 1980F: 2 parts Borax 1 part Sodium Carbonate 1 part Manganese Dioxide 1 part Silica 1 part flourospar 1 part lime ... (This lead me to believe that ore from that mine had a lot of that type of that material in their ore). fluorspar would be harder on most ...

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Separating gold from quartz

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. A. Agmix Member. Joined May 5, 2017 ... we are talking about smelting ore concentrates that are primarily gold/silver ore with "maybe" some traces of PGMs When melting a combination of metals (in a smelt) ...

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what to do after an ore/aqua regia mess up | Gold Refining …

Rich gold ore may contain something in the range of one once of gold per ton. If you got of the gold out of a one pound sample, we are talking about less than 0.02 grams. That would be a piece of gold smaller than a pinhead and of a value of 86 cents - even at current high prices. I'd test it for gold with stannous chloride.

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Gold Refinery Process: From Raw Material to Pure …

Common impurities found in gold ore include silver, copper, iron, and sulphur. These impurities need to be separated and removed through various refining processes to obtain pure gold. Refining Process Steps …

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Liberating Au from Calaverite...

That is nice looking Calaverite. It really is all over the place in certain areas of Colorado and people mistake it for Pyrite. They do not realize that there is a difference with Pyrite having a specific gravity of 4.5 and Calaverite having a specific gravity of 9.2, even though they may looking exactly alike.

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Common mistakes in cupellation

Even if the product is gold. The density will seem too low. Under the microscope, the sponge holes can be seen. Often the appearance will be like a golden shine on a glassy appearance. Ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, osmium, tellurium, selenium, and antimony can also change you bead. Rhodium hates gold and so forms swirls in the …

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Using mercury to recover gold from plated pins | Gold Refining …

As the others mentioned, using mercury for gold recovery on pins isn't a good idea. You're right, it will amalgam with gold but it also bonds to copper, lead, tin and others. And the process you propose will work to some degree. What you'll end up with is a soup of metals and the task of trying to figure out a way to separate them.

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Cost to refine Au from 90% pure dore bars | Gold Refining …

Sounds like a simple question but there are a few unanswered questions from your end. If it is just gold and silver, and the 10% is accurate, that's too much silver to get a good dissolve, inquart the dore in silver, digest in nitric and refine the resultant insolubles in aqua regia to get fine gold.

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