Condensate Extraction Pump Ppt

Power Station Pumps-Condensate Extraction Pumps

CEP-CWP - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pps), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document discusses circulating water …

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Boiler | PPT

This allows the condensate and coolant to be discharged from condenser under the gravity action; hence a condensate extraction pump is not required. The water from the hot well will not be able to rise into the condenser and flood the turbine due to vacuum pr. Maintained in condenser. 12/31/2016 Jahangirabad institute of technology 60

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Steam condensors | PPT

• Download as PPT, PDF ... • Condensate extraction pump is not required because tail pipe has incorporated in place of it. 18. 3. EJECTOR JET CONDENSER • The cooling water enters the top of the condenser at least under a head of 6m of water pressure with the help of centrifugal pump. • This system is simple, reliable and cheap.

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Condensate System | PDF | Steam | Pump

Condensate system - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides a diagram and details of the condensate system for Sembcorp Energy India Limited-Project 2. It includes labels for various low pressure heaters, a deaerator, hotwell, condensate …

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The system comprises of two condensate extraction pumps (CEP) pumping from the condenser through three low pressure feed water heaters to a aerator. de Currently flow …

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Steam condensers

• The condensate extraction pump is placed at the bottom of the condenser. 8. Regenerative type • In regenerative type surface condenser a regenerative method of heating the condensate is adopted. • In this method the temperature of the condensate leaving the tube nest is increased by passing it through the exhaust steam …

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Condensate System | PDF | Steam | Pump

Condensate system - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides a …

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Condensate Extraction Pump

Download scientific diagram | Condensate Extraction Pump from publication: Case study on the effectiveness of condition monitoring techniques for fault diagnosis of pumps in thermal power plant ...

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Condensate Extraction Pump (CEP) | PDF | Pump …

The document discusses Kirloskar Brothers Limited's condensate extraction pumps for use in thermal and nuclear power plants. The pumps come in various models from 28mm to 42mm and can pump fluids up to …

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Condensate Extraction Pump Market Size By Application

The condensate extraction pump market is significantly influenced by its diverse applications across various industries. In the power generation sector, condensate extraction pumps are critical ...

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Applied thermodynamics steam condensers unit four | PPT

DOWN FLOW SURFACE CONDENSER • This condenser employs two separate pumps for the extraction of condensate and the air. • Baffles are provided so that the air is cooled to the minimum temperature before it is extracted. • The specific volume of cooled air reduces, thereby, reduces the pump capacity to about 50%. ...

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Condensate extraction pump (a) and main boiler feed pump …

Mrzljak et al. (2019a) in their paper presented the exergy and loss analysis of Condensate Extraction Pump (CEP) and Boiler Feed Pump (BFP) in a conventional steam power …

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All chemical dosing system | PPT

Where we dose Ammonia in our plant:- 1.HRSG fill pump discharge 2. CEP( condensate extraction pump) discharge 3.CST (condensate storage tank) discharge. 5. Why we dose ammonia with reaction:- 1. Control pH (9.0-9.8) 2.Neutralize carbonic acid or carbon dioxide. NH3+H2O=NH4OH NH4OH+H2CO3=(NH4)2CO3+2H2O

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Condensate extraction pump (CEP) for gas-fired

Condensate extraction pumps (CEP) extract the condensate water from the condenser and pump it through the condensate polishing system and the LP heaters to the de …

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Multi- Stage EBARA Pumps | PPT

Jun 3, 2010 • Download as PPT, PDF ... It notes that on August 9, 2015: 1. The boiler feed pump and condensate extraction pump were operating normally. 2. The induced draft fans and dampers were operating properly with no issues reported. 3. The boiler tripped due to high metal temperatures in superheaters 1 and 2, low-low drum level, and ...

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Water pumps ppt made for susan20160711 | PPT

Water pumps ppt made for susan20160711 - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... Condensate extraction Pumps Vertical multi-stage columnar pump Balance axial force by motor & pump itself Multi-angled rotation at 90° & 180° 7/11/2016 11sjd_susan@valve4s Double structure of first impeller 12.

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High level counter flow jet condenser Cooling water pump required Condensate extraction pump not required 8 9. Ejector Condenser 1. Non return valve 2. Convergent Nozzle: It reduces …

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(PPT) Condensers and its types (UNIT-2)

The exhaust pressure in the condenser is maintaned nearly 7 to 8 kpa which corresponds to condensate temperature of nearly 313 kelvin. ... A steam turbine is used for generating mechanical power in a rotary …

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Condensors and cooling towers (2) | PPT

This allows the condensate and coolant to be discharged from condenser under the gravity action; hence a condensate extraction pump is not required. The water from the hot well will not be able to rise into the condenser and flood the turbine due to vacuum pr. Maintained in condenser. 12prepared by :- Raxit V. Varmora

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condensate system | PPT

condensate system - Transferir como PDF ou ver online gratuitamente

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condensate extraction pump ppt

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복수펌프 Condensate Pump : 네이버 블로그

복수펌프 Condensate Pump. 복수펌프는 복수기하부에 있는. Hot Well에 저장된. Demi Water = 복수 = 급수. 를 다시 보일러로 공급하기 위해. Hot Well바닥에서 연결되는. 라인을 통해 복수기에 저장된 복수를. 가압해 이후 보일러로 공급될 복수, 급수계통 . 설비들로 보내는 ...

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Condenser and cooling tower | PPT

29 Method of obtaining max vacuum : • Air pump : extract the air and other non-condensable gases from the condenser to maintain a desired vacuum. – Wet pump : removes a mixture of condensate and …

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power-plant-basics | PPT

POWER PLANT AUTOMATION & CONTROL Automatic Turbine Run-up System • Oil Supply Control - Turning Gear, Auxiliary Oil Pumps, Emergency Oil Pump, Jacking Oil Pump and Lube Oil Temperature • Condensate & Evacuation Control - Condensate Extraction Pumps, Gland Steam Pressure, Vacuum Pumps and Vacuum …

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High level counter flow jet condenser Cooling water pump required Condensate extraction pump not required 8 9. Ejector Condenser 1. Non return valve 2. Convergent Nozzle: It reduces pressure of cooling water 3. Convergent divergent nozzle It increases pressure on mix of cooling water and steam upto atmospheric This system is …

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Steam condenser | PPT

10. In parallel flow jet condenser, the steam and water enters into the condenser at the top and leaves at the bottom. The cooling water and steam enters at the top. As both steam and cooling water mix …

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This condenser employs two separate pumps for the extraction of condensate and the air. Baffles are provided so that the air is cooled to the minimum temperature before it is …

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Steam power plants | PPT

Feed water pump: The condensate, i.e. water leaving the condenser is pumped back to the boiler with the help of feed water pump. 8. ... Condenser with condensate extraction pump. 5. Cooling tower. 6. Feed water pump (also known as Circulating water pump).. 7. Coal handling system. 8. Ash handling system. 9. Ash …

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Steam condensers

8. Functions of Steam condenser • To reduce the turbine exhaust pressure so as to increase the specific output and hence increase the plant efficiency and decrease the specific steam consumption. • To condense the exhaust steam from the turbine and reuse it as pure feed water in the boiler. Thus only make up water is required to …

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Steam condensers | PPT

10. SURFACE CONDENSER It consists of a cast iron shell, cylindrical in shape, with the two ends covered by cover plates. The cold water is sent through the lower half section tubes and comes out through the upper half section tubes. Exhaust steam enters the shell at the top and flows down surrounding the cold water tubes. The …

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