By Umut Hanoglu Supervised By Prof Bo Idar Arler

Prof.dr. Božidar Šarler 2009/2010

IZOTROPNE ELASTIČNE TRDNINE PRI VELIKIH DEFORMACIJAH. Prof.dr. Božidar Šarler 2009/2010. SPREMEMBA SISTEMA OPAZOVANJA. V klasični mehanike je opazovalec definiran kot togo telo z …

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U. HANOGLU et al.: NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HOT SHAPE ROLLING OF STEEL NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HOT SHAPE ROLLING OF STEEL NUMERI^NA RE[ITEV VRO^EGA VALJANJA JEKLA Umut Hanoglu, Siraj-ul-Islam, Bo`idar [arler Laboratory for Multiphase Processes, University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, SI-5000 Nova Gorica, …

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PAPER OPEN ACCESS You may also like )RXUWK …

Umut Hanoglu, Robert Vertnik and Bo idar arler- ... Umut Hanoglu2,1 and Božidar Šarler1,2 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The prediction of crack propagation in fracture mechanics is still a fundamental

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Božidar Šarler (0000-0003-0618-6873)

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Simulation of Hot Shape Rolling of Steel in …

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the use of the novel Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method (LRBFCM) [Šarler and Vertnik (2006)] in an industrial coupled thermo-mechanical problem of hot shape rolling of steel. The physical concept of such a large deformation problem is based on a two dimensional traveling slice model [Glowacki (2005)], …

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A Rolling Simulation System for Reversing Rolling Mills

In this work a rolling simulation system has been developed for rolling schedules which consists of multiple reversing rolling mills. A slice model approach is applied where the position of a slice can only be determined by considering total deformation.

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Prof. Dr. Umut Yavuz | Istanbul

Prof. Dr. Umut Yavuz, Istanbul, Turkey. 643 likes · 4 talking about this · 52 were here. Doctor

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Prof.dr. Božidar Šarler 2009/2010

POGLAVJE 5. Prof.dr. Božidar Šarler 2009/2010. Do sedaj smo preučevali kinematiko kontinuuma, opis stanja napetosti in zapis petih zakonov klasične termodinamike in mehanike za kontinuum. - ohranitev mase ohranitev gibalne količine ohranitev vrtilne količine Slideshow 4543577 by nira

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PAPER OPEN ACCESS You may also like )RXUWK …

Izaz Ali1, Gašper Vuga1, Boštjan Mavrič2,1, Umut Hanoglu2,1 and Božidar Šarler1,2 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Institute of …

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which type of copper ore in sudan

copper ore concentrate machine in sudan price. copper ore concentrate machine in sudan price. North Sudan has recently started promoting its gold mining sector Experts from the international mining sector believe that South Sudan is most likely to have several untapped mineral and metal resources such as gold copper uranium and iron ore In 2010 the oil sector of Sudan ...We are …

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Figure 18 from Simulation of Hot Shape Rolling of Steel in

Figure 18: Thermal test case. Left: LRBFCM, Right: FEM at time 10 s. All of the sides have the length of 50 mm. Lines represent B = 709 ˚C, C = 745 ˚C, D = 782 ˚C, E = 818 ˚C, F = 854 ˚C, G = 891 ˚C, H = 927 ˚C and I = 964 ˚C. - "Simulation of Hot Shape Rolling of Steel in ContinuousRolling Mill by Local Radial Basis Function CollocationMethod"

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Laboratorij za dinamiko fluidov in termodinamiko

Izr. prof. Miha Kovačič je doktoriral leta 2004 na Fakulteti za strojništvo, Univerze v Mariboru. ... Umut Hanoglu se je rodil januarja 1983 v Ankari, v Turčiji. Leta 2006 je diplomiral iz mehatronike na Univerzi Sabanci v Istanbulu, leta 2015 pa doktoriral iz fizike na Univerzi Nova Gorica s področja računalniške mehanike trdnin ...

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Simulation of the hot rolling of steel with direct iteration

In this study a simulation system based on the meshless Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method (LRBFCM) is applied for the hot rolling of steel. Rolling is a complex, 3D, thermo-mechanical problem; however, 2D cross-sectional slices are used as computational domains that are aligned with the rolling direction and no heat flow or strain is considered in the direction …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

by Umut Hanoglu Supervised by Prof. Božidar Šarler


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Prof.dr. Božidar Šarler 2009/2010


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oil shale resources

World Oil and Gas Resource Assessments - USGS. Assessment of shale-oil resources of the Sirte Basin Province, Libya, 2019. Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable mean resources of 23.7 billion barrels of shale oil and 23 trillion cubic feet of associated gas in the onshore part of the Sirte …

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by Umut Hanoglu Supervised by Prof. Božidar …

by Umut Hanoglu Supervised by Prof. Božidar Šarlersstanic/teaching/Seminar/2009/20090924... ·...

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Umit Hanoglu Profiles

View the profiles of people named Umit Hanoglu. Join Facebook to connect with Umit Hanoglu and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to...

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Multi-pass hot-rolling simulation using a meshless method

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Multi-pass hot-rolling simulation using a meshless method" by U. Hanoglu et al.

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Bo Arler, Åvænget, Slangerup | person |

Detaljeret information om Bo: Telefonnummer, adresse, bopæl og interessante ting i nærområdet. Se tilhørsforholdet til virksomheder, matrikelstørrelse og andre oplysninger, som kan være af interesse. ... Om Bo Arler, Slangerup. Bo bor i Slangerup. Opdatér oplysninger. Søg mere om Bos arbejde og bestyrelsesposter på: Proff LinkedIn. Gå ...

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Predsednica konference – Chair: Monika Jenko Znanstveni odbor M. Godec In{titut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, Ljubljana M. Jenko In{titut za kovinske materiale in tehnol

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[PDF] Developments towards a Multiscale Meshless Rolling …

The purpose of the present paper is to predict the grain size of steel during the hot-rolling process using a macroscopic simulation system that can cope with temperatures, stresses and strains of steel in a complete continuous rolling mill, including reversible pre-rolling and finishing rolling with several tenths of rolling passes. The purpose of the present paper is to …

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Rolling simulation system for non-symmetric groove types

2019. In this work, a rolling simulation system for the hot rolling of steel is elaborated. The system is capable of simulating rolling of slabs and blooms, as well as round or square billets, in …

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Numerical Solution of Hot Shape Rolling of Steel

umut hanoglu In this work, a rolling simulation system for the hot rolling of steel is elaborated. The system is capable of simulating rolling of slabs and blooms, as well as round or square …

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Simulation of the hot rolling of steel with direct iteration

Tools. Božidar Šarler; Simulation of the hot rolling of steel with direct iteration. In this study a simulation system based on the meshless Local Radial Basis Function Collocation …

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The thermal model of the shape rolling process is aimed to calculate the temperature field of the steel slab during the rolling process.. The three dimensional domain W 3D with

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sale sale of lafarge india cement plant

Cement News tagged : Lafarge India - Page 1 of 3. India: Nirma to acquire Lafarge India for US$1.4bn 11 July 2016, Published under Cement News Lafarlcim has announced that it has reached agreement with Nirma Group for the sale of Lafarge India.

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asist. dr. Umut Hanoglu

asist. dr. Umut Hanoglu. 12 Katedra za dinamiko fluidov in termodinamiko Laboratorij za dinamiko fluidov in termodinamiko LFDT. [email protected] 01 4771 150 Soba: STARA STAVBA NADZIDEK 1 Aškerčeva cesta 6,1000 Ljubljana. [email protected] +386 1 …

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Rolling simulation system for non-symmetric groove types

In this work, a rolling simulation system for the hot rolling of steel is elaborated. The system is capable of simulating rolling of slabs and blooms, as well as round or square billets, in different…

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Rolling Mill Load Calculation

roll force and torque in hot rolling mills equations are derived for the normal roll pressure specific roll load

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