Mackinaw Solo Mining Fit

How to fit a Machinaw

How to fit a Machinaw. New Citizens Q&A. Selakk (Selakk) January 20, 2022, 12:54pm 1. After a long break I am back in EVE. After a few days I upgraded my account to …

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Why mining inEVE-Online Sucks and is boring.

The Retriever and the Mackinaw: the same ship with a with larger Mining Holds to stay out longer, therefore less tank. ... That ship would not stay as a solo mining barge like today. It would involve to a supporting Fleet ship capable to hauler and to help, that ship would be a great option to stay with hulks or roam with skiffs in a pulk and ...

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Fit: Porpoise, HS Solo Porpoise by Bjorn Rayl | EVE Workbench

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Covetor fitting

here is a general fit that you can use and upgrade to T2 Strip Miners + T2 Mining Drones once you have the skills. It's for the max yield and a okayish 16k EHP defense. [Covetor, *Simulated Covetor Fitting] Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II. Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Survey Scanner II. Strip Miner ...

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Mackinaw solo mining

Now the downside is that this fit is a bit tight on CPU and powergrid, so I can imagine if you cannot fly it yet. With Shield Upgrades, CPU management and Powergrid management …

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Fit: Mackinaw, Ice Mackinaw *Updated 1/11/21* by …

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EVE Fitting Guide: Venture, Barges and Exhumers

In this episode, we take a look at HIGHSEC fittings for the (non fleet command) mining ships of New Eden; an easy rookie fit for the Venture and then more advanced fits for all of the Tech 1 Barges and Tech 2 Exhumers! 00:00 Intro 00:23 Low Slot Debate! 01:11 Gathering Intel 02:50 Identifying Threats 04:01 Rookie Venture 06:01 Retriever 08:15 Procurer 09:11 …

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Fit: Stratios, DED Shield Stratios by Anonymous | EVE

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Fit: Mackinaw, Mack Solo Miner by Ron Stabler | EVE …

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Best fit for High Sec Porpoise

I'm looking for an updated fit for the Porpoise for high sec mining. It's been almost 2 years since my drone mining account has been active, so trying to catch up. Looks like there at least 2 new skills I need? ... I wouldn't recommend drone mining with a solo Porpoise. Like someone mentioned, the prices on high sec minerals are quite low ...

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Fit: Mackinaw, Passive Tank Mackinaw *Updated 1/11/21

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Fit: Mackinaw, Solo-Mackinaw Ice by Dirak Sinak | EVE

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mackinaw solo mining fit

mackinaw solo mining fit 10/12/2012 · Although if you are mining solo in High Sec the Mackinaw is the best as it has the Mackinaw''s 50% bonus is to make up for the fact that it can only fit 2 strip live chat Hulk vs. Mackinaw for hi-sec mining.

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Orca vs Mining Barges

Retriever/Mackinaw. Pros: Large Ore Hold; Cons: Weak Defense Capabilities; Weak Offense (Drones) Easy Gank target; Procurer/Skiff. ... Booster + Drone Mining; 2 Skiff: Fit for 60k EHP, T2 Strip + Crystals, with 2 set of Drones (1 Mining, 1 Combat) ... This is why Procurer/Skiff are better in most cases when you are running a "Solo" Fleet ...

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ckinaw solo mining fit

mackinaw solo mining fit. Mackinaw for a solo hi sec miner PvE Ships Modules . 25/05/2020 Mackinaw for a solo hi sec miner PvE Gameplay Center PvE Ships Modules EzraEndashi (Ezra Endashi) May 20, 2020, 7:45am #22 Mackinaw costs 272000000 ISK in HiSec So find a peaceful HiSec system with good mining anomaly and no pilots in space or with only ...

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Mackinaw for a solo hi sec miner

As a solo miner, my experience with Mac is extremely limited due to its attracting far too much attention. I trialed it in 0.7 on ice and got far more grief than in a fail-fit retriever. …

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high-sec and low-sec Retriever fits for solo mining

I've never seen a fitting on battleclinic that I adopted 1:1 but often times it will point in the general direction It honestly can't be that hard in the case of a mining ship.... highs: mining laser (wow... whodathunk) mids: tank lows: mining laser upgrades In low-sec fit a stab because you're more likely to have to use it. Karak Bol Crepuscular 88: Posted - 2013.07.05 17:51:00 - …

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Fit: Porpoise, Solo Drone Mining by Barkkor | EVE Workbench

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2022 Mining Fits (Post From Extraction to …

Mackinaw. Notes. Tank is either on par with a proc, or better, depending on how you fit it. Yield is on par with a Covetor. The only downside is the higher skill requirements and cost. Still, I think the Mack is a rather …

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Mackinaw [High Sec Fit]

Mining Drone I x5. Stats (with Level 5 skills) - harvests ~1120 ore a minute (~1400 with the mining drones) - has ~36,000 effective hitpoints. - passively regenerates ~40 …

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The Mackinaw has the largest mining hold of the Exhumers, which makes it ideal for solo operations, but saces some tank and yield. With maximum Mining Barge and Exhumers skills, the Mackinaw has a total mining hold capacity of …

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{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"5":{"items":[{"name":"2004 1100 by 650 sbm sbm jaw","path":"5/2004 1100 by 650 sbm sbm jaw ...

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Best mining barge?

Mackinaw: Solo mining with large ore hold. An expensive ship so you are advised to fit a solid tank. More easily defendable than the Retriever but still can be suicide ganked. …

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mackinaw solo mining fit

mackinaw solo mining fit ; Fit: Mackinaw, Mack Solo Miner by Ron Stabler EVE . Specified market details for fitting (Est price 326084920,00 ISK)Item Quantity Average Price (ISK) Ship; Mackinaw: 1: 261150000,00: High slots; Modulated Strip Miner II: 2: 15648000,00: Mid slots; Multispectrum Shield Hardener IIFit: Mackinaw, HS Moon Miner Solo Fit ...

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Mackinaw: How are you fitting it?

If you want to fit another MLU in the lows you can probably just reduce the mids to Tech 1 versions or swap out the DCUII. It is cap stable with my skills bottoming out around …

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Search through our fitting database!

Fitting results. Sort: Default (relevance)Date addedVotesEstimated priceVideoAscendingDescending. Load more fittings. Become our patron on. Support the site. …

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Fit: Mackinaw, Standard Mackinaw Ore Solo by Dirak Sinak

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Solo mining in a Porpoise (Drone yields)

Porpoise solo mining T-1 mining drone rigs X 3 (Yield fit) with rigs, otherwise tank best fit in mid and lows. (results will vary will skills and augmentation). Veldspar JITA sell price 15.78 per unit Civilian drone 635 per drone / 3175 total X 5 drones / 317.5 m3 = 50,101.50 (before fees). Mining drone I 1222 per drone / 6110 total X 5 drones / 611.0 m3 = 96,415.80 …

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