Pgnaa Borehole Logging

Detection of unexploded ordnance by PGNAA based borehole-logging

In conjunction with the standard detection by magnetometry, the PGNAA is a promising analytical technique for definitive identification of deep buried UXOs. Keywords PGNAA Borehole-logging Explosive Prompt gamma MCNP UXO Abbrevitations PGNAA Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis UXO Unexploded ordnance

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The application of prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis to borehole

Likewise, the logging data could not determine the deformation and hemisphere temperatures. 3.2. Results from borehole logging at Theodore CoalsEight cored holes were logged with the PGNAA tool and the core was analysed for ash content, elemental composition of ash and the deformation and hemisphere temperatures. The core was not analysed for ...

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A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining …

ABSTRACT. Determination of copper and nickel grade are fundamental to the optimum exploitation of the ore deposit. A new prompt gamma neutron activation (PGNAA) …

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The application of PGNAA borehole logging for copper …

The field trials of a prompt gamma neutron activation (PGNAA) spectrometric logging method and instrumentation (SIROLOG) for copper grade estimation in production holes of a porphyry …

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Spectrometric Nuclear Logging as a tool for real-time, …

The SIROLOG Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis probe is a spectrometric borehole logging tool . ... detector for PGNAA logging is that the crystal is less

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The application of prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis to borehole

PGNAA logging data: the PGNAA spectrum is a superposition of g-rays released by the nuclei of elements present in the rock or coal surrounding the borehole from interacting with the neutrons ...

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The optimization of gamma spectra processing in prompt …

The Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) has developed considerably for bulk-materials analysis. Taking advantage of the representativity of PGNAA owing to the large mass of material investigated, companies have built commercial systems for the real-time analysis of materials for raw mix preparation [1] such as phosphate [2], …

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Application of spectrometric nuclear borehole logging for …

Nuclear borehole logging is practically the only technique that has the capacity for providing quantitative in-situ coal quality information in real time. The SIROLOG gamma–gamma and neutron–gamma (PGNAA) borehole logging procedures have been providing vital characteristics of the coal seams at Callide coalfields since 1993.

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A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining …

DOI: 10.1190/SEGAM2017-17729505.1 Corpus ID: 133754636; A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining copper and nickel grade @article{Tian2017ANP, …

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The application of PGNAA borehole logging for copper …

The PGNAA borehole logging method and instrumentation, described in an earlier paper (Charbucinski et al., 2003), were recently tested in a number of a large diameter blast …

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Detection of unexploded ordnance by PGNAA based borehole-logging

The performance of a borehole-logging system, based on prompt-gamma-neutron-activation-analysis (PGNAA), for explosive detection was studied by Monte-Carlo simulations. The prompt gamma of nitrogen, which is a constituent of common explosive, was used to identify the unexploded ordnance (UXO). Our results show that the minimum counting …

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A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining …

Determination of copper and nickel grade are fundamental to the optimum exploitation of the ore deposit. A new prompt gamma neutron activation (PGNAA) logging …

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Monte Carlo simulation of Cu, Ni and Fe grade determination in borehole

The performance of a borehole-logging system, based on prompt-gamma-neutron-activation-analysis (PGNAA), for explosive detection was studied by Monte-Carlo simulations.

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The application of PGNAA borehole logging for copper …

The field trials of a prompt gamma neutron activation (PGNAA) spectrometric logging method and instrumentation (SIROLOG) for copper grade estimation in production holes of a porphyry type copper ore mine, Chuquicamata in Chile, are described. Examples of data analysis, calibration procedures and cop …

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A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining

A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining copper and nickel grade. August 2017. DOI: 10.1190/segam2017-17729505.1. Conference: SEG Technical …

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A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining

Request PDF | On Aug 17, 2017, Lili Tian and others published A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining copper and nickel grade | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

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In situ determination of salinity by PGNAA

In the capture process, the thermal neutron enters the nucleus, and produces an unstable compound nucleus, which decays by emission of one or more γ-rays.These γ-rays are characteristic of the particular nucleus and are normally named neutron capture γ-rays.The neutron capture technique is commonly used in nuclear borehole logging and on-stream …

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Borehole prompt gamma neutron activation and …

More recently, borehole logging using PGNAA is also receiving considerable attention as a practical tool for in situ elemental analysis for the coal and mineral industries (Clayton and Wormald, 1983; Charbucinski et al., 1988; Pinault, 1988). For the former, the concentrations of S, Cl and the ash contents as indicators of the coal quality, as ...

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Improving a PGNAA Technique to Detect Heavy Metals in …

Currently, exploring the resources near the earth's surface requires developing the PGNAA technique for borehole logging purposes, where information is needed to investigate the rocks or soils surrounding the hole. In this vein, the majority of recent articles [24,25] have focused on Monte Carlo simulations. Hence, measurements employing ...

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A PGNAA Logging Method for Formation Water Salinity

Summary The prompt gamma neutron activation (PGNAA) borehole logging system used for determining salinity with the employment of D-T neutron generator, two He-3 thermal neutron detector and LaBr3 gamma ray detector has been proposed. Based on characteristic gamma ray counts of chlorine and the formation porosity, the salinity is calculated. The relationship …

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Detection of unexploded ordnance by PGNAA based borehole-logging

The performance of a borehole-logging system, based on prompt-gamma-neutron-activation-analysis (PGNAA), for explosive detection was studied by Monte-Carlo simulations.

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Sci-Hub | A new PGNAA borehole logging method for …

Tian, L., Zhang, F., Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Wang, X., & Chen, Q. (2017). A new PGNAA borehole logging method for determining copper and nickel grade.

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Application of spectrometric nuclear borehole logging for …

Nuclear borehole logging is practically the only technique that has the capacity for providing quantitative in-situ coal quality information in real time. The SIROLOG gamma–gamma and neutron–gamma (PGNAA) borehole logging procedures have been providing vital characteristics of the coal seams at Callide coalfields since 1993. Together with an accurate …

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Identification of Pb–Zn ore under the condition of low count …

In this study, a method combining Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) technology and machine learning is proposed for lead-zinc mine borehole logging, which can identify lead-zinc ...

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The application of PGNAA borehole logging for copper

In this study, a method combining Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) technology and machine learning is proposed for lead-zinc mine borehole logging, …

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(PDF) Spectrometric Nuclear Logging as a Tool for Real

The SIROLOG gamma-gamma and neutron-gamma (PGNAA) borehole logging procedures have been providing vital characteristics of the coal seams at Callide coalfields since 1993. Together with an ...

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PFTNA logging tools and their contributions to in-situ …

Request PDF | On Jun 9, 2015, C. P. Smith and others published PFTNA logging tools and their contributions to in-situ elemental analysis of mineral boreholes | Find, read and cite all the research ...

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Monte Carlo simulation of Cu, Ni and Fe grade determination in borehole

The PGNAA borehole logging method used for determining copper and nickel grade with the employment of D–T neutron generator, BGO detector and 3 He neutron tube has been proposed. Combining the information of gamma spectrum and thermal neutron counts, the nickel, copper and iron grade was determined. ...

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Measurement of hydraulic conductivity, porosity and …

PGNAA geophysical logging CSIRO Exploration and Mining build and supply PGNAA borehole logging tools, which use an isotope neutron source and a BGO gamma detector. An upgraded modification to this configuration substituting the BGO detector with a LaBr3Ce detector is currently being used by ANSTO. The SIROLOG logging tool has 480 channels ...

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The application of prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis to borehole

The PGNAA technique was tested for the in-situ determination of ash, Fe, Si, Al and density of coal seams in water-filled boreholes. The technique is also able to determine in situ the deformation temperature of coals for which a correlation exists between the deformation temperature and the percentage of Al, Si and Fe present in coal. The logging tool employed a …

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