Residual Trapezium

The Uncommon Trapezium Fracture: A Case Series

An isolated trapezium fracture is a rare injury, with an incidence of 1 to 5%. 1 In our department, we diagnosed four (2.5%) trapezium fractures out of a total of 158 …

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Scaphotrapezoid arthritis: prevalence in thumbs undergoing trapezium …

Because of the potential that scaphotrapezoid arthritis may cause residual symptoms following trapezium excision arthroplasty, and in light of the low sensitivity of radiographs, routine intraoperative assessment of the joint is recommended so that proximal trapezoid excision can be performed if degenerative change is present.

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Revision procedures after trapeziometacarpal surgery

The Nugrip implant can be used when there is sufficient residual trapezium (after partial trapeziectomy) or by reaming of a cavity in the scaphoid base. If there is an irreducible collapse, interposition of the thinner Pyrocardan implant is a simple and effective solution [11], [23].

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Trapezium and Bennett Fracture – A Rare Base Thumb …

Introduction. The trapezium is a carpal bone that integrates the trapezium-metacarpal joint, a joint that plays an essential role in the grip and grasping function [].Fracture of this bone is rare, accounting for about 0.4% of hand injuries and about 3% of carpal injuries [1, 2].Most trapezium fractures are fractures with a vertical orientation at the dorsal edge or …

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Trapeziectomy information factsheet

It occurs between the thumb metacarpal (long bone) and the trapezium, which is one of the smaller bones in the wrist. The medical name for the joint is the 'first carpo-metacarpal …

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Proposed Radiographic Parameters to Optimize Clinical …

distance between the centers of the trapezium distal surface and the prosthesis cup was 2.23 mm (SD ± 1.4). The Spearman correlation analysis gave the following results: negative correlations were highlighted between postoperative VAS scores and the M1/M2 ratio and residual trapezium height

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Scapho-Trapezoid Arthritis: A cause of residual pain after …

Scapho-trapezoid osteoarthritis may accompany osteoarthritis of the CM joint of the thumb. If the scapho-trapezoid joint is not excised when performing an excision of the trapezium with ligament reconstruction and interposition of the tendon of the FCR, the procedure may be unsuccessful.

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The Uncommon Trapezium Fracture: A Case Series

Background Isolated trapezium fractures are rare and account for only 1 to 5% of all carpal fractures but are still the third most common carpal fracture. Trapezium fractures are hard to detect and easily missed on standard radiographs. Trapezium fractures can be treated conservatively, as well as operatively, the best treatment is still debatable.

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Management of Complications of Thumb CMC Surgery: …

It is not uncommon to see residual shells of trapezium on postoperative radiographs after piecemeal resection of the trapezium. Although not all residual …

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Scapho-trapezoid arthritis. A cause of residual pain after arthroplasty

If the scapho-trapezoid joint is not excised when performing an excision of the trapezium with ligament reconstruction and interposition of the tendon of the FCR, the procedure may be unsuccessful. ... A cause of residual pain after arthroplasty of the trapezio-metacarpal joint J Hand Surg Br. 1995 Jun;20(3):346-52. doi: 10.1016/s0266-7681(05 ...

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Proposed Radiographic Parameters to Optimize Clinical …

Pre- and postoperative systematic imaging analysis should become a method for predicting complications and guiding recovery in TMC prosthesis: CT imaging could provide us with radiographical landmarks that are intrinsically linked to clinical outcomes. Further research is necessary to fuel a protoco …

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What Are the Patient-reported Outcomes of Trapeziectomy …

Briefly, the trapezium was removed through a dorsoradial incision, the first extensor compartment was released, and a distally based strip of the APL was passed through a slit in the flexor carpi radialis and then sutured to itself to form a suspensory support, with the remaining tendon placed into the trapeziectomy space. ... The residual ...

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Convex condylar arthroplasty of the basal joint of the thumb: …

The most recent revision necessitated excision of the residual trapezium that had fractured. Therefore, a tendon interposition arthroplasty of the kind described by Burton and Pelligrini? was done (Fig. 5, A). An iliac bone plug was modeled to fill the medullary cavity to give the metacarpal a solid base (Fig. 5, B). In this revision, which was ...

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Scaphotrapezial trapezoidal (STT) osteoarthritis (OA) is a common degenerative disease of the wrist, specifically at the site of articulation among the scaphoid, trapezium, and trapezoid. Dorsal intercalated …

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Residual Rights

All members in good standing and with residual rights stipulated in their membership agreement will receive a Residual Rights Notification email which details the requirements for processing your payment and includes the Residual Rights Instructions form with important information you will need to review, fill out and mail back.

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Area of a Trapezium Calculator | EverydayCalculation

Area of a Trapezium formula = 1/2 * (a + b) * h, where a and b are the length of the parallel sides and h is the distance between them. side a: side b: distance h: Result window. Download: Use this area calculator offline with our all …

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Nerve Transfer in Delayed Obstetrical Palsy Repair

A correct dissection of the accessory spinal nerve, sparing the residual trapezium muscle innervation, and an adequate nerve cooptation to provide a good axonal contribution are essential to defining a successful procedure. Frequently, a mismatch of the nerve fibers occurs so that the accessory spinal nerve is inserted into the center of the ...

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What Are the Patient-reported Outcomes of …

Briefly, the trapezium was removed through a dorsoradial incision, the first extensor compartment was released, and a distally based strip of the APL was passed through a slit in the flexor carpi radialis and then sutured to …

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Long-term follow-up of scaphoid-trapezium-trapezoid arthrodesis

A series of 19 consecutive patients who underwent scaphoid-trapezium-trapezoid arthrodesis for chronic scapholunate instability or isolated arthrosis was reviewed. The average follow-up of 14 patients was 62 months. Eight of these 14 patients had significant residual symptoms and/or functional limit …

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JPM | Free Full-Text | Proposed Radiographic Parameters to …

Purpose: Addressing trapezio-metacarpal (TMC) osteoarthritis often involves considering TMC joint replacement. Utilizing TMC prostheses offers advantages such as preserving the thumb length and more accurately replicating the thumb's range of motion (ROM). TMC prostheses have an intrinsic risk of dislocation and aseptic …

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Early Treatment of Degenerative Arthritis of the Thumb Carpometacarpal

In patients with significant MCP hyperextensibility (deformities greater than 20 degrees), either fusion or capsulodesis is performed to stabilize the joint. A 0.045-in Kirschner wire is then used to pin the thumb metacarpal to the residual trapezium or scaphoid in the reduced position with slight abduction to prevent proximal migration (Fig. …

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Indications for Ligament Reconstruction and …

The articular surface of the trapezium, which forms the seat of the thumb CMC joint, is convex in a dorsovolar direction and concave in a radio-ulnar direction. ... of the APL tendon that is harvested and routed around the FCR tendon to perform ligamentous reconstruction with the residual tendon being folded as a spacer between …

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Surgical Options for Failed Thumb Basal Joint Arthroplasty

The residual trapezium and arthrodesis site are exposed by sharp reflection of the remaining capsule from the metacarpal base proximally to the scaphotrapezial …

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Does trapezium remodeling correlate with cup shape?

Firstly, subsidence was defined as the difference in ratio of cup height to trapezium height between the 2 time points (Fig. 2). Secondly, we inspected the cups for progressive tilting. Thirdly, on radiographs taken 2 weeks postoperatively, the size of any residual calcification was measured in millimeters relative to the distal rim of the cup.

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Long-Term Results of Suture-Button …

The trapezium is released from its surrounding attachments, and a corkscrew trapeziectomy tool is inserted into it to serve as a joystick. Using a McGlammry elevator, the trapezium is excised. ...

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The Uncommon Trapezium Fracture: A Case Series

Displaced fractures should be treated operatively in young active individuals because residual step-off may give a higher risk trapezio-metacarpal or scapho-trapezium-trapezoid osteoarthritis. 25 Percutaneous Kirschner's wire fixation, oblique external traction, and open reduction and internal fixation have all been reported in the literature ...

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TOUCH® Scientific Publications

The Spearman correlation analysis gave the following results: negative correlations were highlighted between postoperative VAS scores and the M1/M2 ratio and residual trapezium height (correlation coefficient: -0.7, p = 0.03 and -0.064, p = 0.03, respectively) at 6 months; a negative correlation was found at the 3-month mark between QuickDASH ...

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A retrospective multicenter study of the Artelon® …

Approximately 2 mm of the distal aspect of the trapezium is resected and the dorsal surfaces of the trapezium and first metacarpal base are abraded to obtain bleeding bone, facilitating ingrowth under the wings. ... residual trapezium and distal pole of the scaphoid." In the fourth patient undergoing explant (between visits 2 and 3), the ...

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Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Shoulder Soft-Tissue …

The tumor will be removed shortly after division of the residual trapezium muscle fibers. Following removal of the tumor, prepare the defect site to receive the flap by approximating the remaining soft tissues after thorough irrigation and meticulous hemostasis (Fig. (Fig.9 9 ).

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Trapeziectomy: Preparation, Recovery, Long-Term Care

A trapeziectomy is a surgery used to treat trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis, also known as thumb arthritis. Osteoarthritisis the most common form of arthritis associated with the aging-related degeneration of joints. During a trapeziectomy, the trapezium bone is removed and the …

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