Effect Of Chemical Gypsum On Cement Quality

New insights into the effect of gypsum on hydration and …

Gypsum has been known to regulate cement setting since more than 100 years, whereas the understanding of the physio-chemical mechanism remains incomplete. Here, we investigated the influence of gypsum on elasticity evolution of fresh tricalcium silicate (C 3 S) paste through small amplitude oscillation shear method.

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Effect of waste gypsum on the setting and early mechanical …

Belite-barium calcium sulfoaluminate (C2.75B1.25A3$) cement was belite-rich cement containing C2.75B1.25A3$ mineral of 9 mass%. Due to the differences in dissolution velocity and element sulfur content, the effects of citro-, phosphor- and FGD gypsum on the setting and early mechanical properties of belite-C2.75B1.25A3$ cement were investigated. …

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Effect of Gypsum-Hemihydrate Ratio in Cement on …

Keywords: cement quality; concretes; gypsum; hemihydrate; slump tests;superplasticizers; workability; DOI: 10.14359/295. ... For a less reactive type of cement, the effect of the gypsum-hemihydrate ratio was not so pronounced, but for the lowest ratio of 20/80 a false set was observed. In the presence of a melamine-based superplasticizer, an ...

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The effect of water and gypsum content on strätlingite …

The effects of the w/c and gypsum content on the hydration of CSAB cement and the formation of strätlingite were investigated with a series of experiments including mechanical testing, quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD, QXRD), isothermal calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

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Effect of Gypsum on Hydration and Hardening Properties of …

2.2.1. Preparation of AMCSA Clinker and Cement . The mineral composition design of AMCSA clinker is shown in Table 2.A certain amount of SO 3 can improve the viscosity of liquid phase, increase the quantity of the liquid phase, benefit the formation of C 3 S, and stabilize the crystal form of C 3 S. However, excessive SO 3 will inhibit the formation of C 3 S. …

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Effects of Gypsum on Cementitious Systems with Different

The main function of gypsum is to regulate the setting time of cement. Gypsum has a great influence on water consumption of standard consistence and strength …

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Gypsum in Cement

0) U 800 h- 400 2 4 SO 3 (%) 60 2 4 S03(%) Fig. 36. Creep of 50 MPa concrete vs. SO3 content of cement, for cement C-l, C-2, C-3 (Table 3) [7], Gypsum in Cement 7 CHEMICAL BY-PRODUCT GYPSUM 529 A growing amount of by-product gypsum in the chemical industry is nowadays destined to be discharged in rivers or seas or on waste land.

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Gypsum in Cement

0) U 800 h- 400 2 4 SO 3 (%) 60 2 4 S03(%) Fig. 36. Creep of 50 MPa concrete vs. SO3 content of cement, for cement C-l, C-2, C-3 (Table 3) [7], Gypsum in Cement 7 …

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SO3 content in PCC and Gypsum Cement

Aluminophosphate cement () is a new type of hydraulic cementitious material with many potential functions. Microscopic analysis techniques were used to study the effect of anhydrite on the ...

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Synthetic gypsum production flow chart.

Synthetic gypsum is produced as a waste product or by-product in a range of industrial processes. Recently, a study reported the synthesis of gypsum from a reaction between bassanite, eggshells ...

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Effects and mechanisms of waste gypsum influencing the …

The flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGDG) and phosphogypsum (PG) are employed to modified magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC). High FGDG addition (the mass ratio of FGDG and light burnt magnesia is 1:1 in MF100) decreases the compressive strength by only about 10%, and that in MOC with high content of PG is nearly 25%.

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Effects and Control of Chemical Composition of Clinker for Cement

The objectives of this research were to obtain the chemical composition of cement clinker sample data after the x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis from the quality control department of the two ...

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The role of gypsum in cement

Shreesh Khadilkar reviews the present situation of gypsum, and takes us through a variety of gypsum products, its merits and demerits. Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) is used widely in various industries either as gypsum, i.e., the gypsum di-hydrate crystalline variety or as the gypsum hemi hydrates, also known as plaster of Paris (POP) or bassinite mineral. Gypsum […]

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(PDF) Role of Gypsum in Cement | shreesh khadilkar

Analysis of anhydrite gypsum effects on quality of cement. IRJET Journal. download Download free PDF View PDF chevron ... One of the main quality issues faced by cement plants using the chemical gypsum was the presence of contamination with azo dyes in the gypsum which resulted in market complaints on observation of different colours in ...

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Analysis of anhydrite gypsum effects on quality of …

Analysis of anhydrite gypsum effects on quality of cement L.O.Onat 1, Kh.R.Valiyev 2, R.V. Agapov 3, L.M. Kangarli 4 1 QA & QC Manager of NORM Cement Plant, Baku, Azerbaijan

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New insights into the effect of gypsum on hydration and …

Gypsum has been known to regulate cement setting since more than 100 years, whereas the understanding of the physio-chemical mechanism remains incomplete. Here, we …

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Compressive Strength and Durability of FGD Gypsum-Based …

2.1. Materials. FGD gypsum, S95-GGBS, and S105-GGBS were provided by Shanghai Baotian New Building Materials Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China). The chemical compositions of these raw materials were listed in Table 1.The physical state of the FGD gypsum was a powder-like condition in a dark brown color, and had 15.6 wt.% free water, which was dried in …

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Uses of Gypsum in Cement

Gypsum in cement reduces friction between its particles, thus resulting in a mix with higher smoothness and improved workability. Durability. Gypsum increases the durability of cement structures or elements by providing improved resistance to chemical attacks by sulfates and alkali-silicates. Effects of Gypsum in the cement

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Effect of gypsum dosage on the hydration and strength of alite …

Effect of gypsum dosage on the hydration and strength of alite-ye'elimite cement synthesized at 1300 °C ... sandstone, fly ash, gypsum, copper slag and phosphorus slag. Their chemical composition is shown in Table 1. The mixed design of raw meals are in the modulus ratio that lime saturation factor, silicon modulus, and iron modulus are 0.90 ...

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Impact of Gypsum Addition on Portland Composite Cement …

It is a soft rock or soil layer derived from volcanic ash. It is known by the name pozzolana, which can be used in cement mixtures to increase compressive strength. This research aims to observe the effect of gypsum on the quality of Portland Composite Cement, such as compressive strength, setting time and SO3 content of mortar.

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(PDF) Effect of gypsum and cement content on unconfined …

Considering Portland cement to be $90/ton and gypsum to be $30/ton (Kimball and Jewell 2016), a one cubic meter of mixture with the density of 1.4 (gr/cm3) with 8% Portland cement (112 kg, or of the total binder content) would cost $10.08, while a mixture of 2% gypsum (28 kg, or 25% of the total binder content) and 6% Portland cement (84 ...

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Effect of Gypsum Content on Sulfoaluminate Mortars Stability

The kinetics of hydration and development of mechanical properties depend on the CAC:C$ or CSA:C$ ratio and the type of calcium sulfate (anhydrite, hemihydrate or gypsum) [5,7]. The effect of ...

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Effect of gypsum and rice straw compost application on improvements …

The effect of gypsum application, ... Crops species, amendment, and water quality effects on selected soil physical properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 56 (1992), pp. 1292-1298. ... Long-term effect of chemical fertilizer effects on soil organic matter fraction and microbes under a wheat-maize cropping system in northern China.

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Effects of flue gas desulfurization gypsum incorporation …

The main chemical composition of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate is MgSO 4 ·7H 2 O, purity > 99 %, purchased from Tianjin Fangzheng limited company. Citric acid (CA) has the chemical formula C 6 H 8 O 7 ·H 2 O and is analytically pure, purity > 99.5 %. Fig. 1 shows the SEM image of FGDG. Table 1 shows the main components of LBM and FGDG.

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(PDF) Role of Gypsum in Cement | shreesh khadilkar

Role of Gypsum in Cement. G ypsum (CaSO 4 .2H 2 O) is used widely in various industries either as gypsum, i.e., the gypsum di-hydrate crystalline variety or as the gypsum hemi …

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New insights into the effect of gypsum on hydration and …

Tricalcium silicate (C 3 S) is the main phase in PC clinker. It is generally accepted that the hydration of C 3 S is responsible for the short-term properties of cement paste, …

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(PDF) Effect of Using Sugar and Gypsum as a …

OPC paste with a water cement ratio 0.4 to 0.5 was prepared by mixing 500 grams of ordinary Portland cement, a fixed amount of sugar of 0.02% by weight of cement with a combination of different ...

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Gypsum dehydration in cement and its impact on air-void structure …

The chemical composition of cement, in terms of alkali or sulphate content, may have a negative influence on air-void structure [10]. In this study, the impact of cement composition, particularly the dehydration of gypsum in cement on the air-void structure of concrete, was considered.

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Effect of gypsum content in sprayed cementitious matrices: Early age

The mix was pumped by the helical pump UP-Pictor (item #1, Fig. 3 a), connected to the 3 HP-air compressor (item #2, Fig. 3 a) and transported through the hose up to a spray gun. This type of pump is adequate for fluids like cement pastes and mortars in contrast with piston pumps that are indicated to handle fluids with coarser particles [14].It also assures a more …

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Effects of different gypsum varieties on the hydration and …

The raw materials used to calcine RFSAC clinker was limestone, bauxite, anhydrite, and low-alkali RM. The chemical composition of these materials was obtained by XRF, as shown in Table 1.These raw materials came from Shandong Linqu Shengwei Special Cement Co., Ltd. RM was mainly composed of Fe 2 O 3, Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2 and small amounts of TiO …

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