Mineral Mineral Resource Of Antarctica

Antarctic mineral resources: Looking to the future of

In order to protect the fragile environment of Antarctic, the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991) banned all mineral activities for …

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Antarctic mineral resources: Looking to the future of the …

The issue of mineral exploitation in Antarctica was first addressed in the 1972 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in Wellington, New Zealand, which was the …

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Antarctic Mineral Exploitation

Inextricably linked to this co-operation is the question of the rational management of Antarctic resources. In this book Professor Orrego Vicuna examines in depth the legal framework – the Antarctic Treaty, sovereignty, jurisdiction and the law of the sea – as it relates to the exploitation of Antarctic minerals.

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The politics of mineral resource development in Antarctica

The politics of mineral resource development in Antarctica : alternative regimes for the future by Westermeyer, William E. Publication date 1984 Topics Mining law -- Antarctica, Antarctica -- International status Publisher Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive

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The Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource

On June 2, 1988, after six years of negotiations!, the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities was successfully con­ cluded. With this Treaty (which was opened for signature from November 25, 1988 to November 25, 1989) another important dimension is added to the 2 Antarctic legal system • This system, so far ...

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Mineral resources

Commercial mining in Antarctica is prohibited. Consequently, no significant mineral deposits or oil reserves have been identified, although minor occurrences of minerals have been identified from across the continent …

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DEEP-SEA mining: Policy options to preserve the last frontier …

Mineral resource activity regulation under the Antarctic treaty system. Today Antarctica is governed by a series of legally binding instruments known as the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS): at its core is the Antarctic Treaty of 1959. 7 …

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Frozen in Time: The Antarctic Mineral Resource …

[hereinafter COMMON SPACES] ("While a potential mineral resource may exist on the Antarctic continent, no mineral deposits of economic value in the present marketplace are known."). Offshore drilling for hydrocarbons is considered to be the most promising area for development. See id at 127-28. Scientific data with respect to the mineral ...

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Antarctic Treaty Handbook: Regulation of Antarctic …

REGULATION OF ANTARCTIC MINERAL RESOURCE ACTIVITIES Introductory note In the course of the discussion leading to the negotiation of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959 the question was raised as to whether the Treaty should cover the question of mineral exploration and exploitation. It was concluded that to do so would be premature.

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Mineral resources of Antarctica | U.S. Geological Survey

Mineral resources of Antarctica. Although the existence of mineral deposits in Antarctica is highly probable, the chances of finding them are quite small. Minerals have been found there in great variety but only as occurrences. Manganese nodules, water …

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Mineral Resources of Antarctica

of Antarctica is in the Andean orogen; it is estimated to be 0.075 (75 chances in 1,000). INTRODUCTION This circular atte·mpts to ( 1) pre~sent a sur­ vey of the known mineral …

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Despite Mining Ban, Russia Scours Antarctica for …

Thus, argued the University of Canterbury's Alan Hemmings, Antarctic prospecting was a mineral resource activity outlawed by the ban, because it forbade "any activity relating to mineral ...

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MINERAL-RESOURCES MAP OF THE ANTARCTIC SHEET The Mineral-Resources Map of the Circum-Pacific Region Antarctic Sheet is the fourth published in a series of six overlapping l:10,000,000-scale min­ eral resources maps. The Mineral-Resources Map of the Circum-Pacific Region Northeast Quadrant (Drum-

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Antarctic mineral resources: Looking to the future of the …

Current understanding of Antarctic resources. Due to the Madrid Protocol ban, the publication of research on Antarctica's mineral potential was almost prevented after the 1990s. Current knowledge on Antarctica's mineral resources is limited due to the ban on mineral exploration, lack of exposed land, and difficult field logistics.

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The mineral resources of Antarctica: progress in their …

Antarctic Resources Policy - September 1983. The increment in information. Careful geological investigations started at a few places in Antarctica after World War …

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The Politics Of Mineral Resource Development In Antarctica

Antarctica can no longer be considered merely a highly specialized area of interest to a relative handful of explorers and scientists. World political leaders who, in an era of resource politics, are looking to potential sources of supplies of living and non-living resources. Antarctica may prove to be a source of such supplies.

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Antarctic mineral resources: Looking to the future of

Request PDF | Antarctic mineral resources: Looking to the future of the Environmental Protocol | On-going trade wars combined with the increasing consumption and depletion of known resources will ...

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If we can be of further C e, Latin America Branch, OER Attachment: As stat d Distribution: (S-5695) Orig. & 1 - Addressee 1 - D/OER 1 - D/D 1 - SA/ER 1 - St/P 2 - D/LA OER/D/LAI (30 Nov 73) Approved For Release 2006/09/26 : CIA-RDP85T00875R001900010033-1 Approved For Release 2006/09/26 : CIA …

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International Law on Antarctic Mineral Resource

The author examines the history and influence of the Convention for the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (CRAMRA), which purpose it is to prohibit unregulated mineral resource activities in Antarctica, and its provisions are extremely strict with the aim of environmental protection. Through analyzing and …

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Petroleum and mineral resources of Antarctica

No known petroleum or mineral resources occur in Antarctica. The data on these subjects have been collected, mainly since the IGY (International Geophysical Year), 1957-58, as a part of other research carried out by geologists and geophysicists from a number of countries. Specific resource-related studies have not been made. Wright and Williams …

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Mineral-resources map of the Circum-Pacific region; Antarctic …

Mineral-resources map of the Circum-Pacific region; Antarctic sheet January 1, 1998 View Document. View Plate. No abstract available. Citation Information. Publication Year: 1998: Title: Mineral-resources map of the Circum-Pacific region; Antarctic sheet: DOI: 10.3133/cp47: Authors:

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Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities

Open for signature (subject to ratification, acceptance or approval) until 25/11/1989 by States which participated in the final session of the Fourth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting on Antarctic Mineral Resources. Open for accession after 25/11/1989 by any Contracting Party to the Antarctic Treaty. Languages

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International Law on Antarctic Mineral Resource Exploitation

The author examines the history and influence of the Convention for the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (CRAMRA), which purpose it is to prohibit unregulated mineral resource ...

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How are mineral rights in Antarctica regulated under

In essence, the Antarctic Treaty System effectively demilitarized Antarctica and established it as a zone free of any commercial resource exploitation, including mineral extraction. This strong focus on peace and science represents an unprecedented approach to international cooperation, serving as a benchmark in international environmental law.

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The mineral resources of Antarctica: progress in their …

Antarctic Resources Policy - September 1983. The increment in information. Careful geological investigations started at a few places in Antarctica after World War II, but gained momentum and became systematic only when the International Geophysical Year started, and when SCAR and its Working Group on Geology were established just …

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Extraction and jurisdiction: forms of law and the Antarctic …

It is that while extracting mineral resources from Antarctica has now been foreclosed, the jurisdictional form that remains is part of the enabling legal infrastructure that patterns contemporary global extraction. Specifically, this jurisdictional form entails the reassertion of international legal authority grounded in colonial territorial ...

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The Antarctica Mineral Resources Convention: …

E. Paul Newman, The Antarctica Mineral Resources Convention: Developments from the October 1986 Tokyo Meeting of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties, 15 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 421 (1987). This Comment is brought to you for free and open access by the University of Denver Sturm College of Law at

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International Law on Antarctic Mineral Resource Exploitation

The author examines the history and influence of the Convention for the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (CRAMRA), which purpose it is to prohibit unregulated mineral resource activities in Antarctica, and its provisions are extremely strict with the aim of environmental protection. Through analyzing and …

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No Antarctic mineral resource activities shall be conducted except in accordance with this Convention and measures in effect pursuant to it and, in the case of exploration or development, with a Management Scheme approved pursuant to Article 48 or 54. Article 4

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Mineral resources of Antarctica (Technical Report)

Related Information: Full paper part of USGS-CIRC-909, Petroleum and mineral resources of Antarctica Country of Publication: United States Language: English. Similar Records. High-precision 10 Be chronology of moraines in the Southern Alps indicates synchronous cooling in Antarctica and New Zealand 42,000 years ago.

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