Pound Spiked Crusher


Overview. The Meadow is the starting point for every hunter and is the only location that a Novice Hunter can access.. Mice in the Meadow cannot steal gold, points, or extra cheese.. Hunters accessing the Meadow for the first time will only have access to Physical weapons, but the mice here have a weakness to all Power Types.. New …

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Chapter 1:The Early Levels

If you're just starting the game, pick the Tacky Glue Trap.; Go to Shops → Merchants → Cheese Shoppe. Sell all the Marble cheese you're given at the start of the game, and buy and arm Cheddar ...

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Mousehunt (trap, Base, Power) Calculator

MouseHunt Trap Base Chart Base Type Power P Bonus A Bonus Luck Cheese Wooden Base 35 0 0 0 Very Fresh Wooden Base with Target 75 0 20 0 No Effect Stone Base 150 10 0 0 Fresh Birthday Cake Base 175 11 5 0 No Effect Tribal Base 175 18 2 0 Fresh Polar Base 200 10 0 4 Dehydration Base 225 0 5 4 Aqua Base 230 0 0 8 Magma Base 300 8 …

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Spiked Base

For other uses, see 500 Pound Spiked Crusher. The Spiked Base is a base with special effects in the Iceberg location. Spiked Base Base Statistics Base Info …

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sbm/sbm spiked roller crusher online.md at main · …

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Physical Weapons | Unofficial MouseHunt Wiki | Fandom

500 Pound Spiked Crusher: 250 Novice Town of Gnawnia: Digby DrillBot: 3,200 Master Town of Digby: Enraged RhinoBot: 5,900 Legendary Cape Clawed: Fluffy DeathBot: 2,400 Journeyman ... Festive Gauntlet Crusher LE: 1,200 Novice Great Winter Hunt 2014 Golem Guardian Trap with Golem Guardian Physical Skin Module LE: 7,000 Journeyman Great …

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Physical Weapons | Unofficial MouseHunt Wiki | Fandom

500 Pound Spiked Crusher: 250 Novice Town of Gnawnia: Digby DrillBot: 3,200 Master Town of Digby: Enraged RhinoBot: 5,900 Legendary Cape Clawed: Fluffy DeathBot: …

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Town of Gnawnia Guide

If you have enough gold, you can upgrade your trap by buying 500 Pound Spiked Crusher Trap from the Trapsmith for 3,000 gold. You might also want to also buy Wooden Base with Target from the …

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Facebook Mouse Hunt Game Guide

4) 500 Pound Spiked Crusher vs. Mouse Mary O'Nette. Mouse Mary O'Nette will be a better choice because it is simply more powerful, attract better and luckier. If you are using 500 Pound Spiked Crusher already, don't buy Mouse Mary O'Nette, save your gold for a better one.

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Facebook Mouse Hunt Game Guide

4) 500 Pound Spiked Crusher vs. Mouse Mary O'Nette. Mouse Mary O'Nette will be a better choice because it is simply more powerful, attract better and …

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MouseHunt | Ghostly Spiked Crusher Skin

500 Pound Spiked CrusherThis ghostly version of the 500 Pound Spiked Crusher is dressed up for Halloween and ready to frighten some mice! Use charms to give your traps special modifiers! Use cheese with your trap to attract …

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Novice Starter Kit :: Basket

500 Pound Spiked Crusher Trap 1x. Wooden Base with Target 1x. Swiss Cheese 30x. Description. To help new recruits the King has assembled this Novice Starter Kit. Inside …

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Ghostly Spiked Crusher Skin

The Ghostly Spiked Crusher Skin can be used on the 500 Pound Spiked Crusher. The trap's stats (power, power bonus, attraction bonus, etc.) are not changed. Purchasing Info. The Ghostly Spiked Crusher Skin may be made available during the annual Halloween event and can be traded on the Marketplace or through Give To Friends. History and Trivia

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CBT Spiked Ball Crusher Acrylic Plates with Spikes

Every order receives a combo of two plates (a body plate and crusher plate), a spiked ball pad, and all hardware necessary to attach and use. This is sold as a kit. Assembly takes about 5 mins. Do not tighten with tools. And please note the acrylic plates are protected by a sticker that peels off prior to use to prevent scratching.

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Commonly Asked Questions

Stick with the Tacky Glue Trap with Wooden Base with Target and Cheddar cheese since this will return a better profit than the 500 Pound Spiked Crusher. Should I skip the Stone Base? This is up to the Hunter's preference.

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Military Trench Cleaver

Each cleaver knife has the spiked trench handle knuckles that are an homage to the Mark 1 trench knife from WWI, and it even has 'US 1918' pressed into one side. ... Total Weight: 2 pounds 6oz (approx.) Skull Crusher Steel Spike on Pommel; Black Genuine Leather Sheath; Time to Break Out the Heavy Artillery! We Ship Fast!

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Spheniscine's MouseHunt Walkthrough

During your training hunts, you would upgrade your weapon to a 500 Pound Spiked Crusher. Just click on "upgrade trap" and you will receive it for free! After your training …

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Spiked Base

For other uses, see 500 Pound Spiked Crusher. The Spiked Base is a base with special effects in the Iceberg location. Spiked Base Base Statistics Base Info Power: 300 Rank requirement: Lord/Lady: Power Bonus: 12% Cost: 105,000 Gold 6 Bottled Cold Fusion 3 Wire Spool 3 Frosty Metal 5 Heating Oil: Attraction Bonus: 0% Limited …

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MouseHunt Guide

Section 1: Gnawnia. The Early Levels If you're just starting the game, pick the Tacky Glue Trap.; Go to Shops → Merchants → Cheese Shoppe. Sell all the Marble cheese you're given at the start ...

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Template:Shops/TableRow/500 Pound Spiked Crusher

Retrieved from "https://mhwiki.hitgrab/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Shops/TableRow/500_Pound_Spiked_Crusher&oldid=165694"

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Novice Rank on MouseHunt | Richard Jang Blog

pound Spiked Crusher at 3450 Gold. You can now also buy the better Marble Cheese which help you to attract more mices. Traveling to Meadow to hunt is another option and travel cost is 25 Gold. Buy as many cheese as you can if you want to hunt there as there is no Cheese Shop over there. The next base to buy is the Stone Base(6175 Gold) and …

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MouseHunt Trap Statistics Calculator

Weapon Power Power Type Luck Est. Strength Attraction Bonus Cheese Effect; 2010 Blastoff Trap: 11,745: Tactical: 33: 16,101: 0%: Very Stale: 2012 Big Boom Trap: 11,330

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500 Pound Spiked Crusher; A. Admiral's Galleon Trap; Ambrosial Portal; Ambush Trap; Ancient Box Trap; Ancient Gauntlet; Ancient Spear Gun; Anniversary Ambush; Anniversary Ancient Box Trap; Anniversary Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery; Anniversary DeathBot; Anniversary Reaper's Perch;

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Physical | MouseHunt Wiki | Fandom

500 Pound Spiked Crusher: 250 10% 1 No Effect Novice: Anniversary DeathBot LE: 3,000 15% 25 Stale Journeyman: Ancient Gauntlet LE: 1,050 4% 4 Extremely Fresh Novice: Birthday Candle Kaboom LE: 2,400 30% 14 Very Stale Journeyman: Birthday Party Piñata Bonanza LE: 2,500 35% 10 Stale Journeyman: Carousel Charger Trap LE: 5,000 15% …

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Ghostly Spiked Crusher Skin: 500 Pound Spiked Crusher: 10 Evil Extracts: N/A Spooky Mary O'Nette Skin: Mouse Mary O'Nette: 10 Evil Extracts: N/A Molten Oasis Trap Skin: Chrome Phantasmic Oasis Trap: 30 Evil Extracts: N/A The Spirit of Halloween Skin: Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery: 30 Evil Extracts: N/A …

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Category:Weapons (Skinned)

Pages in category "Weapons (Skinned)" The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total.

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500 Pound Spiked Crusher

500 Pound Spiked Crusher. A 500 pound weight with sharp spikes on the bottom precariously hangs by a thin rope, eagerly awaiting a mouse to wander below. Stats. …

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500 Pound Spiked Crusher

500 Pound Spiked Crusher. A 500 pound weight with sharp spikes on the bottom precariously hangs by a thin rope, eagerly awaiting a mouse to wander below. Stats. Power Type. Physical.

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Template:Shops/Items/Trapsmith/Weapons/500 Pound Spiked Crusher

Retrieved from "https://mhwiki.hitgrab/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Shops/Items/Trapsmith/Weapons/500_Pound_Spiked_Crusher&oldid=159013"

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