Gold Fields Sibanye Gold Mine

Sibanye may wind down gold mines in South Africa's fading …

Sibanye, which was spun off from Gold Fields's oldest South African mines in 2013, employs about one-third of the roughly 93,000 workers in the nation's gold industry.

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Flush from soaring platinum prices, Sibanye-Stillwater hunts for gold

Sibanye, which was formed when Gold Fields spun off some of its assets in 2013, typically invests in a counter-cyclical way and is betting that gold prices will continue to retreat from 2020 highs ...

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Gold Fields Supplier Registration Portal | Log in

This Supplier Database Portal is administered by B1SA (Pty) Ltd. For any queries and technical support, please contact the B1SA support desk: +27 11 455 0033.

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Sibanye Gold (KDC and Beatrix) listed separately

The Gold Fields continuing operations, excluding the operations of the newly listed Sibanye Gold achieved cash costs of US$793 per ounce and an NCE of US$1,365 per ounce. At South Deep, three significant milestones in support of the build-up to an annual production run-rate of 700,000 ounces by the

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Executive committee | THIS IS GOLD FIELDS | Gold Fields

Mike joined Gold Fields as CEO on 1 January 2024, based at the Corporate Office in Johannesburg. ... Mr Mokoatle is a geologist with over 27 years' experience in the mining industry. He joined Gold Fields in October 2017 as General Manager for South Deep and became Executive Vice President for the Gold Fields South Africa on 1 June 2023 after ...

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Transitional Services Agreement among Sibanye Gold and Gold Fields

Sibanye Gold Limited (registration 2002/031431/06), (formerly known as GFI Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited) a public company duly incorporated in South Africa in terms of the Companies Act; ... The pro rata in specie distribution by Gold Fields of its shares in Sibanye Gold to Gold Fields shareholders in terms of section 46 of the ...

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Executive directors | THIS IS GOLD FIELDS | Gold Fields

Mr Goodlace was appointed as non-executive director of Gold Fields on 1 July 2016. His mining career commenced in 1977, spanning more than 42 years working with different organisations. He had previously served as Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer for Gold Fields. He went on to subsequently serve as CEO at Impala Platinum …

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Indemnity Agreement

SIBANYE GOLD LIMITED . relating to the guarantee in respect of U.S.$1,000,000,000 4.875 per cent. Guaranteed Notes due 2020 issued by Gold Fields Orogen Holding (BVI) Limited and guaranteed by Gold Fields Limited, Sibanye Gold Limited (formerly GFI Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited), Gold Fields Operations Limited and Gold …

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In the news | INVESTORS AND MEDIA | Gold Fields

Precious metals miners Sibanye-Stillwater, Harmony Gold and Gold Fields are among the mining firms recognised in this year's Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI). ... Gold, platinum-group metals and battery metals miner Sibanye, meanwhile, notes that it is one of 484 companies globally and one of only eight South African companies …

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Gold Fields Unbundles GFIMSA (KDC and Beatrix) to Create a …

The listing of Sibanye Gold is scheduled for mid-February 2013 and existing Gold Fields' shareholders will then hold two separate shares or ADRs, namely …

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Strategic leadership | 2014 Integrated Annual Report | Sibanye Gold …

Prior to joining Sibanye, he was the Senior Vice President and Group Head of Mining at Gold Fields from November 2011. He previously occupied several senior management positions at Gold Fields (from September 2009 to November 2011) and Amplats as well as management positions at Uranium One and Gold One.

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Contact details | CONTACT US

Gold Fields Corporate office 150 Helen Road Sandown, on South Africa, 2196. Telephone: +27 11 562 9700 Fax: +27 11 562 9838. Email:info@goldfields. Gold Fields Australia Level 4, 235 St Georges Terrace Perth Western Australia 6000. Telephone: +61 8 9211 9203 / +61 8 9211 9200 Fax: +61 8 9211 9201. Email:info@goldfields. …

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Gold Fields South Deep Gold Mine

The Gold Fields/Wits School of Mining Engineering partnership was established to further the academic knowledge of mechanised mining and rock engineering in South Africa. The partnership aims to expand the scope of tertiary mining education as it relates to technical, operational, and organisational aspects of mechanised mining and rock ...

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Sibanye Presentation Print

Sibanye Gold's operations, Gold Fields' and Sibanye Gold's ability to implement its strategy and any changes th tthereto, GldGold Fi ld 'Fields' and Sibanye Gld'Gold's ftfuture fi i lfinancial position and plans, stt itrategies, ... GOLD MINING CHAMPION Gold Fields Limited | Creating Two New South African Gold Champions | 29 ...

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Bez Bezuidenhout

Superintendent Fraud Investigations at Gold Fields/Sibanye Gold · Experience: Gold Fields/Sibanye Gold · Location: South Africa · 8 connections on LinkedIn. View Bez Bezuidenhout's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

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Gold Fields unbundles SA mines, creates Sibanye

Both Gold Fields and Sibanye would be listed on the JSE. Nick Holland, who will remain CEO of Gold Fields, said he expected the unbundling to be complete and the two companies trading separately by around February 11. The transaction does not require shareholder support. The South African Reserve Bank had approved the proposal, Gold …

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Mineral resources and reserves reports

South Deep Gold Mine is the only operation in the South Africa region, while the Tarkwa and Damang mines in Ghana comprise the West Africa region ... Following the unbundling of the KDC and Beatrix Operations into the fit for purpose Sibanye Gold, the Gold Fields Limited (GFL) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve strategy has been realigned to ...

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Driefontein Gold Mine

Driefontein Gold Mine. Technical Short Form Report. Driefontein Gold Mine is a large, well-established shallow to ultra-deep level gold mine with workings that are accessed through eight shaft systems that mine various gold bearing reefs from open ground and pillars that occur at depths between 600 and 3,300 metres below surface.

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Gold Fields Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve …

Barrick Gold Corporation acquired a majority interest in Placer Dome Inc. Gold Fields Limited (GFI) acquired Barrick's 50% JV interest in the PDWA JV and in 2007, GFI acquired all remaining WAL shares and consequently owns of South Deep gold mine.

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Beatrix | Gold Operations

Mining operations have been carried out in the Free State goldfields since the 1940s and gold has been produced at Beatrix since 1983. At 31 December 2023, Beatrix had total surface and underground gold …

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Neither Gold Fields nor Sibanye Gold undertakes to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to refl ect events or circumstances after the date of this Pre-Listing Statement or to refl ect the occurrence of unanticipated events. TAX

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Integrated annual reports | INVESTORS AND MEDIA

In February 2013, Gold Fields unbundled its mature underground Beatrix and KDC mines in South Africa into an independent and separately listed company, Sibanye Gold Limited. It also expanded its presence in Australia, acquiring the Darlot, Granny Smith and Lawlers mines (known as the Yilgarn South Assets) from Barrick Gold in October 2013.

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Driefontein | Gold Operations

In 2012, the conventional South African assets of Gold Fields Limited were unbundled into Sibanye Gold Limited; In 2014, Sibanye-Stillwater completed the PFS of the Driefontein No. 5 Shaft Drop-down Project …

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Gold Fields South Deep Gold Mine

Grant Webber has worked in the mining industry for three decades, at a range of companies that including JCI, Harmony Gold, Lonmin Platinum, Sibanye Stillwater and …

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Kloof | Gold Operations

Mining operations have been carried out in the West Rand since the late 19th century and at Kloof in its current form since 2000 when several existing mining operations were amalgamated. At 31 December 2023, …

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Sibanye calls for mega-merger with AngloGold, …

Sibanye, formed by spinning off Gold Fields' oldest South African mines in 2013, has been growing the business since.. It first bought Aquarius Platinum and three of Anglo American's platinum ...

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Gold Fields South Deep Gold Mine

The R715m solar plant will enhance the sustainability of South Deep and contribute to Gold Fields' long-term commitment to Net Zero. South Deep currently consumes around 494GWH of electricity per year which represents 10% of the mine's annual costs and 93% of its carbon emissions.

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Directors and management | Leadership

Robert van Niekerk was appointed to the position in February 2013. Prior to joining Sibanye, he was the Senior Vice President and Group Head of Mining at Gold Fields. Before that he occupied several senior management positions at Gold Fields and Anglo Platinum, management positions at Uranium One and Gold One.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

South Deep gold mine

JV interest in the PDWA JV and, in 2007, Gold Fields acquired all remaining WA shares and consequently own of South Deep gold mine. 2008/9 Stopped all conventional mining, and low-profile mechanised destress mining started in 2009. 2010 New-order mining right granted, with the addition of the contiguous area known as Uncle Harry's. …

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About Gold Fields; Gold Fields' purpose, vision and values. This is Gold Fields; The Gold Fields values; Our commitment; Our leadership. Directors; Executive committee; Corporate governance. Standards and principles; Stakeholder engagement; Code of Conduct; Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Risk management; Our Operations; …

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