Ferronickel Process

RKEF Lateritic Nickel Rotary Kiln

Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace (RKEF) Pyrometallurgical Ferronickel Process. The rotary kiln-electric furnace process is an emerging ferronickel smelting technology in recent years. Factories using RKEF smelting technology have achieved good economic benefits, so this pyro-nickel smelting process has been widely used around the world.

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The raw ferronickel with 13%Ni needs further refining to become ferronickel with approximately 20% Ni. This process takes place inside the converter. Oxygen is blown inside the liquid raw …

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Production of Ferroalloys

The term Ferroalloy refers to various alloys of iron with a high proportion of one or more other elements such as chromium, manganese, and silicon. Ferroalloys are primarily used in the production of steels, stainless steels, and other grades of alloy steels as raw materials. They impart distinctive qualities to ferrous materials such as steels and cast irons or serve important …

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Stop the criminal contract with Feronikeli

Otherwise, during the privatization process in the country, the company "Feronikel" was bought by the company "Alferon". Immediately after the privatization, the previous government also obtained the consent of UNMIK for KEK to sign a contract with "Feronikeli" for …

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An Overview of Nickel Utilization from Laterite Ore

It is the most economical way to deal with high-grade saprolitic laterite ore. This process was originally developed from the Krupp-Renn process for ironmaking in Germany. In 1930s, Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co. Ltd. in Japan firstly used this process to produce ferronickel from laterite ores and is still running [88, 89]. The company is equipped with ...

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Viscosity and Structure Evolution of Slag in Ferronickel …

The SiO2 fractions in laterite are quite high; thus, certain amount of lime should be added into the slag to achieve good fluidity and desulfurization capacity in industrial smelting process. However, this operation leads to additional cost of lime. In addition, the increase of slag volume decreases the effective furnace volume. To avoid such problem, partial reduction of …

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Nickel processing

One process is the ammonia pressure leach, in which nickel is recovered from solution using hydrogen reduction, ... However, the majority of laterite smelters produce a crude ferronickel, which, after refining to remove impurities such as silicon, carbon, and phosphorus, is marketed as an alloying agent in steel manufacture. ...

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The FeNi Production Route

GRANSHOT is an industrial high capacity process, with production rate up to 250 t/hours and in as little as 30 seconds can produce ready-to-use granules that have a size and shape ideal for downstream metallurgical operations in EAF, …

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Process & Products

Our ferronickel is shipped in bulk or in 1.8t bags from North Macedonia to major steel makers in Europe and internationally. The physical characteristics of the ferronickel granules mean that they are cost-efficient to handle and process, while remaining contamination free.

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Process for producing ferronickel by coal synthesis gas

The invention provides a process for producing ferronickel by coal synthesis gas, which comprises the following steps: 1) preparing coal synthesis gas and nickel iron ore pellets; 2) purifying and preheating coal-made synthesis gas, then sending the coal-made synthesis gas into a reaction shaft furnace from the lower part, adding the nickel iron ore pellets into the reaction …

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Optimalization of the Ferronickel Production …

Desulphurization of Ferronickel in the converters with oxygen is the most complex part of the technological process in the Drenas foundry. Sulphur in the ferronickel melting is mostly in the form of FeS, with a melting temperature of …

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Nickel Laterite Smelting Processes and Some …

The treatment of laterites has been a research hotspot in extractive metallurgy over the past decades. Industrially, the pyrometallurgical treatment of laterites is mostly accomplished with a well-established method, namely, the rotary …

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Përparim Islami vazhdon me Feronikelin

Përparim Islami është lojtari më i ri i Feronikelit, në fakt mbrojtësi i djathtë vetëm se ka vazhduar me klubin duke arritur akord për të veshur fanellën gjelbër e badhë – thuhet në njoftimin e faqes zyrtare të klubit. "Islami ishte pjesë e Feronikelit edhe …

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Effect of the pH with NaOH additives on the precipitation process …

2.2 Methods. 2.2a Ferronickel preparation: The ferronickel smelting using a mini blast furnace (MBF) was employed to yield the ferronickel from nickel laterite ore.Then, the ferronickel was ground using a handheld grinder equipped with diamond grinding wheels until it reached a particle size small enough to pass a 50-micron sieve 1).. 2.2b Leaching process: …

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The Aggregation and Growth of Ferronickel Particles During …

The main source of nickel has gradually become the recovery of ferronickel concentrate from low-grade laterite nickel ore. In this work, high-grade ferronickel concentrate was prepared by a reduction roasting-magnetic separation process, and low-grade ferronickel concentrate and CaF 2 were used as composite additives to promote the aggregation and …

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Advances and Innovations in Ferronickel-Making

Moreover, for mediating the adverse impacts of the byproducts in ferronickel and subsequent stainless-steel making, it presents pioneering technologies of utilization of ferronickel slag for producing value-added functional materials and recycling of stainless-steel pickling sludge for ferronickel making.

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Effect of thiosulfate, sulfide, copper (II), cobalt (II)/ (III) and

Rates of nickel dissolution from particle leaching and electrochemical tests are of the same order (~10 –4 mol m –2 s –1).Pure nickel, ferronickel alloys and roasted calcines in typical Caron lixiviant system show similar leaching curves with 70%–90% Ni extraction depending on the Ni mole fraction of the feed, but iron dissolution is slow and low (< 2%) due …

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Material and energy flows in rotary kiln-electric furnace smelting …

The rotary kiln-electric furnace process is the one of the most widely adopted technological process for ferronickel smelting production. A schematic of the RKEF process with rotary dryer, rotary kiln and electric furnace is shown in Fig. 1. As depicted, the RKFF process involves three main processes: the dehydration process in rotary dryer ...

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Thermodynamic Analysis of Sulfurization of Ferronickel

In the smelting process, the ferronickel alloys are in liquid phase at high temperatures. The sulfurization reaction can be regarded as a liquid–liquid or a gas–liquid reaction process. For the sake of convenience in the calculations, it was assumed in the thermodynamic calculations using FactSage that the ferronickel alloy contains 30% ...

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The process and the principles of ferronickel smelting are described in detail. About 90% of this smelting produces ferronickel and about 10% produces sulfide matte. The feed material for …

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PT ANTAM Tbk | Nickel

To produce ferronickel, saprolite nickel ore were first treated to become calcine through a process that crushes, dries, heats and adds certain consumables to reduce acidity, using various machines. ANTAM had 3 ferronickel smelters …

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Recycling and comprehensive utilization of ferronickel slag …

The technological process for producing BFS using blast furnace smelting of ferronickel is as follows (Wang, D. et al., 2018): nickel ore (laterite) is mixed with limestone and coke after drying, crushing and sieving, and then sent to the blast furnace for smelting at 1500–1600 °C. Liquid ferronickel and molten BFS are formed in the blast ...

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4 Schematic of RKEF process | Download Scientific …

This approach has been widely applied in performance analysis of different pyrometallurgical processes, such as lime production in a kiln [6], ferronickel smelting in a rotary kiln-electric ...

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Thermal characteristics of ferronickel slag on roasting process …

The roasting process of a mixture of ferronickel slag with sodium carbonate was carried out by heating at a temperature of 800-1000°C for 1 hour, and the sample result of roasting were analyzed ...

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Euronickel Industries

Euronickel produces high quality, low carbon ferronickel granules comprising approximately 20% nickel and 80% iron that are primarily used in the production of stainless steel. Euronickel has achieved ISO 9001 Quality Management certification. The ferronickel produced by Euronickel is registered under the European REACH regulation. Read More

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Recycling and comprehensive utilization of ferronickel slag …

Ferronickel slag (FNS) is a solid waste produced in the smelting of ferronickel alloys. FNS is classified as blast furnace ferronickel slag (BFS) and electric furnace ferronickel slag (EFS). They are useful in many fields, such as metal recovery and glass manufacturing. In fact, replacing cement or concrete aggregate is the best way to achieve large-scale resource …

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Improving the rotary kiln-electric furnace process for …

Ferronickel contains 60–80 wt% Fe and 40–20 wt% Ni and is a feedstock for manufacturing stainless steel and other ferrous alloys. The primary pyrometallurgical route to …

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Ferronickel smelting plant Electric furnace off-gas …

Kawasaki's ferronickel smelting plant follows the process shown in Fig. 1. Ferronickel ore with 1.8-2.2% nickel content is first dried in a rotary dryer, then reduced in a rotary kiln. Next, the …

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A life cycle assessment of a new laterite processing technology

The DNi Process provides a lower impact score in general compared to both Ferronickel and HPAL. The process is more sustainable compared to the Ferronickel process which produces large amount of CO 2 and slag from its smelting unit process. Moreover, the production process of nitric acid is less toxic compared to sulphuric acid and only a small ...

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The Nickel Production Methods from Laterites and …

Regarding the R/K-E/F process used in Greek Fe-Ni, it is characterized by its worldwide acceptance and reliability (more than 77% of world Fe-Ni production comes from this process). ... Ferronickel (Fe-Ni) production from oxidized Ni …

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