Flotation Method For Antimony

Removal of antimony from antimony mine flotation …

Antimony (Sb) has received increasing environmental concerns due to its potential toxic and carcinogenic properties. In the present work, the electrocoagulation technique was used to treat the flotation wastewater from a heavy antimony polluted area, and the mechanism of removing Sb was also investigated.

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Sulphidic refractory gold ore pre-treatment by selective …

The results show that it is impractical to remove arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb) from downstream processes by using selective flotation. It was observed that 22% of total Sb and 31.1% of As remained in the final tailings. ... The bulk flotation method as a pre-treating method resulted in the concentrate with less toxic chemical elements such as ...

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Shape-weighted bubble size distribution based reagent predictive

Antimony flotation is a complicated industrial process with an unknown system structure. Manual manipulation is still widely used by observing the froth appearance, which relies on operators' experience. ... Liu et al. [10] proposed a novel multiresolutional multivariate image analysis method for the monitoring of flotation processes. This ...

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and flotation methods were applied. Different flotation flowsheets were performed for considering the number of stages and also parameters such as feed size, collector dosage and activator type.

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Antimony Ore Dressing and Smelting Methods

Usage: Flotation is a commonly used method for antimony ore dressing and is suitable for various ore types, including sulfide antimony ore, sulfide-oxide mixed antimony ore, stibnite, tungsten ...

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Focus on: Antimony, an Obscure but Vital Critical Mineral

The extraction of antimony involves both underground and surface mining methods, depending on the ore deposit's characteristics. After extraction, the ore undergoes crushing and flotation processes to concentrate the antimony content. The concentrate then goes through a smelting process to produce antimony metal or antimony oxide.

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Design of Soft Sensor for Industrial Antimony Flotation …

Froth flotation is the most widely used method of mineral separation. The froth state reflects the information of mineral content in the froth. Therefore, the most common method is to evaluate the froth surface state to control the operation to improve the mineral recovery. However, it is still a challenge to evaluate the froth state in real time, efficiently, quickly and accurately. This ...

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Evaluation of antimony ores flotation data by topographical isohips method

One of these examples is an operation in Canada, where a dithiophosphate has been used as the only collector in the flotation of an ore containing stibnite and arsenic-bearing minerals, the latter ...

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Antimony is a strategic metal which is used in many industrial areas. The content of the antimony ore is the most important point for determining the area of usage. Since, high-grade antimony ores ...

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Stibnite froth flotation: A critical review

Highlights. •. Froth flotation plays a key role in the recovery of stibnite from primary and secondary sources. •. A critical literature review on stibnite flotation had not been …

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Sometimes, even if it can not directly select qualified antimony concentrate, it is often selected as a pre-selection operation for antimony flotation operations. Especially when flotation has many difficulties in …

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Focus on: Antimony, an Obscure but Vital Critical Mineral

The extraction of antimony involves both underground and surface mining methods, depending on the ore deposit's characteristics. After extraction, the ore undergoes …

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Antimony Ore Dressing Process

Antimony ore flotation is the most important dressing method for antimony ore. Antimony sulfide minerals are easy to float minerals, and most of them use flotation to improve the grade of antimony ...

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Data-driven-based adaptive fuzzy neural network control for …

Among these methods, fuzzy logic control (FLC) is an efficient control technique which not requires the mathematical model [13]. The operators' experience, expert knowledge, and industrial data can be fully utilized in the FLC. ... And considering gold-antimony flotation is a preferential fraction-mixed flotation process which includes the ...

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Flotation of antimony ores with high arsenic content

Especially for sulfide antimony ores, the most common beneficiation method is flotation. Therefore, antimony ore consisting of stibnite mineral obtained from Tokat-Turkey region was used in this study. Due to the low antimony (5.06%Sb) and the high Arsenic (1.38%As) content, it is an important requirement to increase the Sb content of this ore ...

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Antimony Ore Processing Line

Introduce Antimony Ore Beneficiation. Antimony ore beneficiation method is mainly gravity beneficiation method and flotation method. The flotation method is applied to the fine-grained dipping antimony sulfide ore, the antimony ore with low original grade is difficult to profit from direct flotation, and must be enriched by gravity beneficiation method and then flotation, or …

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Flotation separation method of antimony bearing gold ore

It is a method of flotation separation of antimony gold (arsenic) by using ammonium butyrate black, which has strong collecting ability and good selectivity for stibnite, but weak collecting ability for arsenopyrite and pyrite. First, coarse-grained monomer natural gold is immediately selected in the grinding classification circuit with a gold ...

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Antimony Processing: Unlocking the Potential of a Versatile …

Gravity separation is a widely used method for antimony concentration. It exploits the difference in density between the antimony minerals and the gangue (non-valuable minerals) to achieve separation. ... Air is then introduced into the flotation cell, causing the antimony minerals to float to the surface as a froth, while the gangue particles ...

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Antimony Ore Processing

Flotation is applied to fine-grained disseminated antimony sulfide ore. It has high beneficiation index and recovery rate. The commonly used single flotation method is suitable for processing single antimony ore. The combined gravity separation-flotation method is suitable for treating antimony ore with uneven particle size. For example ...

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Enrichment of Antimony Ore through Various Flotation …

bulk flotation of antimony ore. Bulk flotation is a method where all sulphide minerals are floated together. They are then separated into valuable minerals and gangue …

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Enrichment of Antimony Ore through Various Flotation Methods …

The enrichment of antimony ore to increase its quality is achieved through various methods, including positive flotation, reverse flotation, bulk flotation, and preferential flotation. antimony ore

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A flotation method of arsenic-containing gold-antimony symbiotic ore comprises the steps of dissociating the ore to obtain a selected ore pulp, and then carrying out an equal floatable process on the selected ore pulp to obtain antimony gold concentrate and gold-antimony concentrate; the flotation reagent used in the roughing I of the floatable process comprises sodium carbonate.

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The invention discloses a flotation separation method of antimony sulfide and gold-bearing pyrite. Sodium hexametaphosphate is adopted as a dispersing agent, sodium silicate is used as a silicon and calcium gangue inhibitor, copper sulfate is used as an antimony and gold mineral activating agent, butyl xanthate is used as a collecting agent, and No. 2 oil is used as a …

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Processing of gold-antimony concentrates | Request PDF

This article covers a hydrometallurgical method for processing of a gold-antimony flotation concentrate in alkaline sulfide solutions. Thermodynamic analysis of the reaction stibnite with sulfide ...

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Online detection of concentrate grade in the antimony flotation …

Mineral flotation processes are the primary method for separating and gathering antimony-containing compounds from ore [1]. The raw ore is sufficiently crushed and dissociated to separate the antimony-containing compounds from other gangue minerals. ... The entire antimony flotation procedure and its online capture of the mixed minerals' Raman ...

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Antimony Mining Process

The antimony ore beneficiation methods mainly include manual separation, gravity separation, flotation, and other methods. Select the beneficiation process of a specific ore based on the physical and chemical properties of the ore type …

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Antimony Processing: Unlocking the Potential of a Versatile …

Commonly used collectors are butyl xanthate or a mixture of shale oil and ethyl thiazide, and the ing agent is pine oil or No. 2 oil. Antimony oxide ore is classified as refractory ore. Flotation is the main beneficiation …

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Flotation of Oxidized Antimony ore of Sefidabeh Mine

Antimony ore flotation with a grade of 4.32% was carried out in a two-stage method. In this method, in the first stage, flotation of antimony sulfur (stibnite, Sb2S3) was performed at a specific pH by adding the activator of copper sulfate or lead nitrate and the depressant together, potassium amyl xanthate collector and MIBC.

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Key Words: Antimony, Flotation, Mozley tab le. 1. INTRODUCTION . Antimony mineral s are rarely found at native form in . ... and flotation methods . Con tent Recov ery. Flot atio n Co ncentrat e 2 ...

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Processing of gold-antimony concentrates | Request PDF

This article covers a hydrometallurgical method for processing of a gold-antimony flotation concentrate in alkaline sulfide solutions. Thermodynamic analysis of the reaction …

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