Crushed Gangue Processing Technology

Powder Technology | Vol 384, Pages 1-574 (May 2021)

Read the latest articles of Powder Technology at ScienceDirect, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature ... select article Sensitivity analysis of process parameters for granular mixing in an intensive mixer using response surface methodology ... Influence of block shape on macroscopic deformation response and ...

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Accurate measurement and quantitative analysis of 3D shape

The mechanical properties of the crushed gangue, such as compression deformation characteristics and seepage characteristics, are closely related to the 3D shape characteristics of gangue blocks. ... Based on computer image processing technology, the approximate contour of particles was constructed, and the shape parameters of …

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Study on the macro–micro evolution of compaction

The crushed gangue will be displaced laterally in the process of being compacted, and the wall of the cylinder will be subjected to a certain amount of lateral …

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gangue crushed into the soil use

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Study of the Internal Rebreaking Characteristics of Crushed …

The deformation and re-crushing characteristics of different lithological caving crushed gangues in mine goaf directly affect the overburden strata movement, …

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Effects of particle sizes on compressive deformation and particle

Broken gangue from the collapsing roof of a longwall coal panel can be used as the backfilling material for goaf backfilling. The particle size gradation has important influence on the compressive deformation of the gangue backfilling material and particle breakage.The compressive deformation of the gangue backfilling materials at 4 different …

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Technology and engineering test of filling goaf with coal gangue …

Process of filling goaf with coal gangue slurry. The process of filling goaf with coal gangue slurry is shown in Fig. 2.Specifically: the coal gangue is crushed by a multi-stage crusher and enters ...

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Characterizations of macroscopic deformation and particle crushing …

In solid backfilling coal mining (SBCM), the deformation resistance of crushed gangue particle material (CGPM) is critical for controlling overburden strata movement and ground surface subsidence.In engineering practice, CGPM is generally circularly compacted first by the compaction machine to reduce its …

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Layered re-breaking behavior of gangue backfilling …

Subsequently, Feng [42] and Li et al. [43] analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution of the internal re-breaking process of broken anthracite of different particle sizes. However, blindness remains regarding the particle size selection of backfilling gangue at different positions in the mining goaf when applying gangue backfilling mining technology.

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Layered re-breaking behavior of gangue backfilling …

However, blindness remains regarding the particle size selection of backfilling gangue at different positions in the mining goaf when applying gangue backfilling mining technology. Even though it is the main backfilling material, there is a lack of existing research on the internal particle re-breaking properties of broken coal gangue and ...

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Technology and engineering test of filling goaf with coal gangue …

The technical framework of filling goaf with coal gangue slurry. The technology of filling goaf with coal gangue slurry is to make gangue into granular aggregate with a specific particle size gradation by crushing, screening, and other technical means, mixing and stirring it with water in proportion to make gangue slurry with a …

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Experimental study on permeability of crushed gangues …

After stage II, the permeability of crushed gangue decreases to the magnitude of 10 − 15 m 2, while the impermeability increases; 5) the non-Darcy β factor …

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Radiation characteristics of natural gamma-ray from coal and gangue …

Radiation characteristics of coal and roof-rock samples. We can know from the analysis that the content of the radionuclide in the sedimentary rocks is related to the content of clay minerals, the formation time, the environment of the sedimentary area and so on 30 – 32, therefore, we carried out analysis on the radiation characteristics of the …

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A coal gangue processing project in Shanxi

A coal gangue processing project in Shanxi The European impact crusher is well suited for crushing operations on various soft and medium hard ores, such as coal gangue. Located in Shanxi, one of the major coal-producing provinces in China, the project was put into operation in the first half of 2013 with very stable output, thanks to the ...

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Powder Technology

The reserves of coal as primary energy are limited, and improving the extraction rate of coal resources is an effective way to achieve long-term utilization of resources [1, 2].The gob-side entry retaining automatically formed (GERAF) by roof cutting and pressure releasing (RCPR) mining technology has been widely used in coal mining …

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Fractal characteristics of crushed particles of coal gangue …

The particle size gradation of the two gangue specimens exhibited fractal characteristics after manual crushed, and the fractal dimension of each crushed specimen ranged from 0.352 to 2.654. (2) Regarding sandstone and sandy mudstone, the fractal dimension D of specimens with particle sizes from 20 to 31.5 mm and 31.5 to 50 …

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crushed gangue processing coefficients

In mining, gangue (/ ɡ æ ŋ /) is the commercially worthless material that surrounds, or is closely mixed with, a wanted mineral in an ore deposit.It is thus distinct from overburden, which is the waste rock or materials overlying an ore or mineral body that are displaced during mining without being processed, and from tailings, which is rock already …

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Effects of Water Immersion on the Long‐Term Bearing …

1. Introduction. After coal mining, many mined-out spaces are formed underground, which causes strata movement, damage, surface subsidence, and …

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Experimental Study on Acoustic Emission of Confined …

The crushed gangue materials which are filled into the goaf in solid-backfilling coal mining become the main body of bearing the overburden after the tamping process. Its resistance to deformation is the key to control overburden movement and surface subsidence. Particle breakage affects the resistance to deformation of filling materials. In this paper, a …

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Study on the propagation characteristics of methane-air

The explosion scene in gob was simplified and the position of the crushed gangue from the ignition source was set to 0.5 m, the actual setup is shown in Fig. 3.The gangue used in the experiments ...

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Particle-Crushing Characteristics and Acoustic …

In solid backfilling coal mining (SBCM), the crushed gangue backfilling material (CGBM) is generally compacted circularly by a compaction machine in order to reduce its compressibility. In this cyclic …

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Multifractal characterization of gangue particle size …

To explore the PSD structural characteristics of gangue under ball milling time, firstly, the gangue samples from each lithology were manually screened and evenly mixed to create three types of gangue samples with the same initial particle size distribution presented in Fig. 3 (a).Then 5 kg gangue samples were weighed and filled into the ball …

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Transport mechanism and control technology of heavy …

Using the standard screen for aggregates, the crushed gangue particles were sieved into different groups with different size ranges (0–15, 15–30, and 30–50 mm) ... Status of technology for processing mine water and its trend in China. Coal Sci. Technol., 35 (2007), pp. 1-5, 10.13199/j.cst.2007.09.6.gaol.024. View in Scopus Google Scholar.

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sbm gangue crusher production of new building

sbm gangue crusher production of new building materialsgangue hammer mill Gangue crusher loed.gangue crusher quote.Coal gangue crusher of building materials: bricks instead of clay as raw material can be dug less fertile.Read more.Gangue Crusher Production Of New Building ...

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A review of intelligent coal gangue separation technology …

Traditional Coal Gangue Separation Process and Equipment. Water washing and dry coal preparation are the main parts of coal preparation. Spiral separation, jigging, heavy medium separation, and other processes are water washing processes, which have the advantages of mature technology, high separation accuracy, and large processing …

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Review on advances in mineral processing technologies …

Review on advances in mineral processing technologies suitable for critical metal recovery from mining and processing wastes. ... which are a mixture of non-economical crushed rock and processing fluids generated from a mill, ... and separation of critical minerals from gangue in mining and processing wastes. Further, through …

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Junmeng LI | PhD. | China University of Mining and Technology…

The irregular shape of gangue blocks will affect the coordination structure between blocks in the crushed gangue accumulation body, and then affect the engineering mechanical properties of crushed ...

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sbm/sbm coal gangue processing at main

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What are the uses of coal gangue after processing | LZZG

What are the uses of coal gangue after processing. April.22,2023. Coal gangue can be crushed to make sand, which can increase its utilization value. one. Uses of coal gangue: 1. Cement. Production of ordinary Portland cement; production of special cement; production of clinker-free cement. 2. Lightweight aggregate for concrete

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Fractal characteristics of crushed particles of coal gangue …

The surface morphology of compacted and crushed gangue presents self-similarity and other fractal characteristics. This research constructed a fractal model for the particle size of compacted and crushed gangue based on fractal theory and particle size distribution information. To investigate the fractal characteristics of compacted gangue, …

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