Sub Zero Method Gold Refining

Questons on using the AP method

also another thing i was wondering in the videos where he was precipitating the gold the solution is in a large glass jar with a cover. What are those called i would like to find a couple. and i am going to try the AP method sometime in the next couple weeks or so. i live where its cold and average daytime temps are in the 40s and night time in the …

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Mono-Atomic Gold Refining

The following patent also outlines the method of refining gold from ore which when tested shows no gold content. ... This procedure leads to a greater degree of sub-division to provide smaller clusters of gold chloride. At the end of this procedure an orangish-red salt of gold chloride is obtained. The salt will analyze as substantially pure ...

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Shor International Method

Hello, I used the method outlined by Shor - I used AR 3:1 instead of there Nitric substitute. I dissolved gold plated on copper - board scrap- Then I used urea to remove the nitric -solution dark emarald green. I used their storm precip., and no Au fell out of solution. What...

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Unique method to make sure all nitric is destroyed before …

Hello All! After many experiments, I noticed that the best way to make sure that all nitric is destroyed is to take a drop of aquaregia and test it using only one drop of stannous chloride, if gold is above 70 PPM, it will turn dark, and if there is any nitric it will light again, if there is no nitric at all it will keep dark.

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GMAW / MAG welding of stainless steels | Linde

Explore Linde's process gases for GMAW/MAG welding using solid filler or metal-cored wires for all stainless steels - from standard chromium nickel to superaustenitic & from duplex to ferritic

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Recent advances in gold refining technology at Rand Refinery

This chapter focuses on the advances in the refining of gold at the Rand Refinery. ... This arrangement results in a zero-effluent operation and NO x emissions are almost totally ... Considerable effort over numerous years has been put into developing reliable and accurate primary and sub-sampling methods for the very wide range of …

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Anyone know how the Shor Simplicity System works? | Gold Refining …

I have asked Shor for the MSDS sheets for the chemicals they supply for the acid system. What I got did not meet the requirements of the Federal Government. They listed the chemicals by the name of storm precipitant, but did not list what chemicals it was comprised of. Same thing for the "Sub Zero".

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Yet another noob who needs help

I have had a bunch gold heavy component free circuit boards for some time. I picked up a Subzero kit from Sears. The kit was missing muriatic acid so I got some of that at Lowes. The kit comes with the following and some testing chemicals. 1 lb. SubZero …

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aqua regia/sub zero users | Page 2 | Gold Refining & Metal …

General Techniques & Other Processes ...

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sbm is sub zero gold refining sodium nitrate

Contribute to legaojm/m development by creating an account on GitHub.

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SubZero Method | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

True AR is a combination of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. Subzero is actually sodium nitrate, which combined with HCL still dissolves gold. Another Ishor …

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How is Gold Refined? – bullionhub

Gold refining is the process of removing impurities from raw gold to achieve a higher level of purity. When gold is mined, it often comes mixed with other …

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Starting from zero

The best, most productive method depends on what material you plan to process. There is no one best method to do everything. Follow Yggdrasils advice, then post the material you have and your planned method of choice. We (the forum) can read it over and give advice based the material and methods of choice.

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Acid Peroxide Process Information Thread Q & A's | Gold Refining

The purpose of this thread is to begin to consolidate the vast amount of questions and answers related to the Acid Peroxide (aka AP) recovery process. First and foremost, the name for the process, Acid Peroxide is a misnomer as the active ingredient is actually copper II chloride (CuCl2), so it...

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AP ratio and other things

I use HF to remove the polyimide coating which exposes the gold, followed by the gold lifting off the underlying films, which HF attacks. I used AR from Shorr which I feel is a waste. Takes too long. I used their nitric replacement sub-zero. I have had components soaling in solution for days, the gold finally removes but it takes …

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Neutralizing Acid | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

I'm not sure what the best method is, but like I said, the one I came across most frequently was make a 3:1 ratio of HCl to HNO3 of AR, dissolve the gold with it, add urea to neutralize the HNO3 (which it does do, but if that is not necessary or an old method of doing so, I'm open to suggestions), then add the SMB to precipitate the gold.

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Gold refining in aqua regia. We produce two types of gold refining units: static plants and rotary plants +39 0575 420100; info@balestritechnologies; Home; Refining. Gold refining. Gold …

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Best material for crucible

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ... The second method mentioned was compression. Compression requires a different mold, one that can withstand the pressure required to compact MgO with a H-press — I think I was going to need to …

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Bismuth refining method?

Bismuth refining method? Thread starter ORCB; Start date Feb 1, 2011; Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. O. ORCB Member. Joined Jan 14, 2011 Messages 18. Feb 1, 2011 #1 Anybody have any knowledge or thoughts? I found out …

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3 Easiest Ways to Refine Gold (Step-by-Step Guide)

Method 3: Gold Melting Furnace. This is your ultimate heat therapy. It uses blazing-hot temperatures to melt the metal and part ways with impurities, leading to purer, shinier gold. This method can handle big-time gold …

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Aqua Regia vs. Acid Peroxide.

NHF, AP removes the base metals and leaves the majority of the gold intact. This makes for cleaner gold once it is dissolved and uses zero nitric acid (expensive and hazardous). It takes a lot less AR (or HCl-Cl ) to dissolve the small amount of foils after removing the base metals and provides for cleaner gold precipitations. Steve

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processing a failed batch | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction …

Hey everyone. I'm new to gold refining and have some questions. I came upon this project when my uncle asked if I could try and recover the gold from some DSL equipment racks he pulled from an apartment building. I started with a google search and found Shor International before having...

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Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ... PLATINUM $1194 PALLADIUM $345 RHODIUM $5975 IRIDIUM $460 RUTHENIUM $850 Shor international sells a gold recovery system (Simplicity) for $545. It mentions Platinum, but it seems …

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Subzero | Shor International

Nitric acid is highly corrosive and highly toxic nitric oxide fumes when used in the aqua regia process of refining precious metal. Additionally, it is expensive and difficult to obtain. By using Subzero instead of nitric acid, nitric oxide fumes are completely eliminated.

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Selling Platinum from Ore

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ... Remember when you posted the following on Oct. 8th on the Aqua Regia/Sub Zero forum about a ... He ended up getting an article in the Smithsonian magazine for his discovery and methods of …

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Shor International

Shor International sells tools and supplies for precious metal refining (gold, sliver, platinum and more!), jewelry making, silversmithing, polishing, weapons cleaning, and much more. Refine gold and other precious …

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All disks contain platinum

"Information storage requirements continue to expand at rapid rates, fuelled by the growing use of computers for video and audio applications. Today, all hard disks contain platinum in their magnetic layers, compared with around 50 per cent in 1997. The proportion of platinum in the magnetic...

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Complete process and equipment solutions for …

The Suzdal plant in Kazakhstan was the first BIOX plant to operate at sub-zero temperatures. The original design capacity of the plant was 192 t/day of concentrate at 12% sulfide sulfur. Detailed heat …

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A systematic review of sustainable gold extraction from raw …

Gold-containing Mercury/Antimony: A xanthate collector with cyclic alcohol frother (e.g. pine oil) together with dithiophosphate can be very effective at alkaline pH …

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HCL/CL Method | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

After reading some of the thread here, If i did not understand wrongly, By using HCL/Cl method can do the same job as AR dissolve gold and precipitate with SMB. But i see the advantage here if we use AR there will be a need to drive off the nitric and if using HCL/CL method we will just need to set it in a open container for 24HR and the ...

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