Bitumen Mining News And Commentary

Mining versus in-situ: A look at how energy companies are …

As a result, the split between bitumen mining and in-situ bitumen extraction has dramatically shifted over the past 5 years. View fullsize. see live chart → Since …

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Works to stop Leuna refinery bitumen output in October

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TotalEnergies' expanded UK bitumen terminal ready

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Bitumen prices, news and market analysis | Argus Media

The Argus Bitumen service is a must-have for anyone seeking transparent and reliable bitumen prices, news, and expert market intelligence. The Argus Bitumen service includes assessments for Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific, as well as expert commentary on market movements.

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EVs pave the way for bitumen demand growth | Argus Media

The wider adoption of polymer modified bitumen (PMB) grades may help alleviate this issue as PMBs give roads more flexibility and this helps enhance road performance by absorbing traffic vibration. PMB grades command a significant premium to standard road paving grades such as pen 50/70 and 70/100.

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Bitumen tanker damaged in collision off France | Latest Market News

The 6,189dwt Iver Blessing bitumen tanker will require 1-2 months of repair after a recent collision with a bulker off the French Atlantic port of St Nazaire.. The tanker is in Dutch firm Vroon Group's Iver Ships unit, and an official familiar with the Iver fleet said today the Iver Blessing had suffered significant damage in the 9 August incident. . Aside from minor …

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Lithuanian refinery to halt bitumen output for a month

Bitumen production at Polish firm Orlen's 190,000 b/d Mazeikiai refinery in Lithuania will be halted for around a month from 7 October because of maintenance, according to a source with knowledge of the refinery's operations. ... The market news and commentary we publish reveals vital insights that enable you to make stronger, well-informed ...

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UK bitumen terminal projects face delays | Latest Market News …

Trading firm Trafigura has been operating a floating bitumen storage in recent years off the south coast of Wales, on the opposite side of the Bristol Channel from Continental Bitumen's new Avonmouth terminal. The UK last year consumed 1.56mn t of bitumen, with 790,000t imported, according to Vortexa data. By Tom Woodlock and Keyvan Hedvat

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Shell to end bitumen truck flows from two French ports

Shell's withdrawal from bitumen throughput and truck supply arrangements through the Atlantic coast terminals follows the firm's decision earlier this year to cease retail truck supply of bitumen into South Africa. There Shell plans instead to ship bitumen cargoes into the country's ports that will be offered to local importers on a delivered ...

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New bitumen tanker orders threatens oversupply | Latest Market News

Continental Bitumen, a unit of French construction firm Colas, early last year launched two new 20,500dwt dual fuel LNG/marine gasoil powered bitumen tankers — the Atlantic Narval and Baltic Narval — that it has used mainly to supply its own and other terminals in the Mediterranean, northwest Europe and South Africa.

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Argus Bitumen & Asphalt Europe Conference

Argus Bitumen & Asphalt Europe Conference comes to Madrid, Spain, 13-14 May 2024, to explore the latest developments across the European and international bitumen and asphalt markets.

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halts Natref refinery bitumen supply until August

In a letter sent by to its customers today, the firm said it has had no bitumen availability since stocks held at the Natref refinery in burg — South Africa's only remaining bitumen-producing refinery — ran out at the end of April. It said that, as a result of the planned shutdown, it anticipated supplies to resume in August.

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Weather sparks uncertainty for Vietnam's bitumen demand

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Production cuts lift Asian seaborne bitumen values

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UK bitumen production at highest since July 2021 | Latest Market News

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European Bitumen Market Update July 2024

An overview of European Bitumen prices since the beginning of the year and a round-up of key events that have impacted the market. 24 July 2024. Market: Bitumen …

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Sonatrach restarts Skikda bitumen plant after 4-yr halt

The company received a 10,000t cargo of atmospheric straight-run residue from a Mediterranean refiner in recent weeks, enabling bitumen production at Skikda to restart. Sonatrach plans to produce up to 100,000 t/yr of bitumen at Skikda, matching current output at its bitumen unit in Arzew.

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Saudi Aramco begins bitumen export operations at Yanbu

Nis steps up bitumen, restarts PMB output at Pancevo. London, 4 October (Argus) — Serbian refiner Nis has stepped up bitumen production and supply at its 110,000 b/d Pancevo refinery after taking delivery of a cargo of bitumen-rich Iraqi Kirkuk crude. A market participant said the Kirkuk cargo was shipped from a Mideast Gulf loading point.

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Shell ends S Africa bitumen truck retail business

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Taking oil out of bitumen

Instant Bio-Bitumen, a carbon-negative alternative to conventional bitumen derived from the refining of crude oil for use as the binder in asphalt products, is …

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Indonesian bitumen demand slips during Ramadan | Latest Market News

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Asphalt & bitumen prices, news and analysis | Media

The latest asphalt and bitumen prices including truck, rail and seaborne, as well as in-depth news, market analysis, and long-term forecasting. ... Market news and commentary; Analytics and forecasting. Analytics and forecasting overview; Near term outlooks; Long term analytics; Forward curves; Data science and machine learning;

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Puma to suspend Newport bitumen barge operations

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Malaysian refiner raises listed bitumen prices | Latest Market News

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Viewpoint: European bitumen faces tough year | Latest …

18/12/23. European bitumen markets face another year in the doldrums in 2024 to follow sharp falls in activity in 2022 and 2023, and any chance of economic recovery and a …

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Limited funding curb Australia's 1H bitumen imports

Australia's bitumen imports in this year's first half fell by 20pc against a year earlier, as state councils cut road construction budgets in the 2023-24 fiscal year ending 30 June. The country imported 385,207t of bitumen during January-June, down from 481,841t a year earlier, according to data from Australia Petroleum Statistics.

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Viewpoint: Asian bitumen to face funding issues in 2024

The terminal currently has a bitumen storage capacity of 11,000t, and can import and export about 350,000 t/yr of oil products. The operatorship agreement also includes an integrated 90,000 t/yr polymer modified bitumen (PMB) plant, drums filling facility and an emulsion plant. The terminal also has a bitumen and PMB testing facility.

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Nis steps up bitumen, restarts PMB output at Pancevo

Market: Oil products, Petroleum coke. 04/10/24. Serbian refiner Nis has stepped up bitumen production and supply at its 110,000 b/d Pancevo refinery after taking delivery of a cargo …

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Orla Mining: Another Beat And Raise For This Consistent …

Orla Mining reported record Q3-24 gold production, and is tracking to deliver a nearly 20% beat vs. its initial annual guidance midpoint. Notably, the company is on …

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Nigerian currency devaluation hits bitumen market

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