Bharinto Ekatama Pt Private Company

Dahana Amarta Yudha, SH

External Relation Supervisor PT Bharinto Ekatama · My name is Dahana Amarta Yudha or as known as "Odell". I was born in Samarinda city, East Borneo on April 16th 1990. I successfully completed my law degree education within 3.5 years with GPA 3.06. I love to learn and have a hardworking soul. other than that I also like adventure into different regions and provinces.

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andreas andre

DATA & MODELLING SUPT at PT. Bharinto Ekatama · I have a multi task skills in such area of ; exploration, modeling, reserving, designing, scheduling, mining production and more than 12 years experience in open cut mining at Indonesia & Vietnam. The last exploration project were Uong Thuong & Dong Vong drilling project and these project are located at North …

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Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA of Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Raya. Get the latest …

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About | Our History

We are embracing a new chapter, as we transform into an energy company that provides greener, smarter products. We are a part of a solution that brings sustainability to the company, communities, and ultimately to the world we all live in. ... ITM acquired PT Bharinto Ekatama's concession. 2003. ITM took over a minority stake in PT Indominco ...

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Find company information, contact details, financial data & company linkages for PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA of DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Home; ... PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA Pondok Indah Office Tower III 3rd Floor Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Pondok Indah Kav. V-TA No. 26, 12310 DKI Jakarta - Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indonesia ...

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Bharinto Ekatama Coal Mine

Note: The above section was automatically generated and is based on data from the Global Coal Mine Tracker April 2024 release and the September supplement. Background. Bharinto Ekatama mine is operated by PT Bharinto Ekatama, and owned by Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk in Barito Utara/Kutai Barat, on the border of East Kalimantan and Central …

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Pt bharinto ekatama (bek)

Pt bharinto ekatama (bek) - Facebook

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Working at Bharinto Ekatama company profile and …

Company size. 101-1,000 employees. PT BHARINTO EKATAMA is a coal company with location operate in East Kalimantan (Kutai Barat) and Central Kalimantan (Barito Utara) and a …

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Lowongan dan Karier PT Bharinto Ekatama, Ulasan

Ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan di PT Bharinto Ekatama - periksa lowongan, ulasan, kontak perusahaan. Toggle navigation. Bergabung Sekarang; Masuk; ... (Barito Utara) and a subsidiary PT Indo Tambang Raya Megah (ITM). ITM a list company and a renowned Indonesia coal supplier the... Baca Lebih Lajut . Buka Lowongan di PT Bharinto Ekatama (0) Tidak ...

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PT Bharinto Ekatama Company Profile 2024: Valuation, …

Discover how our experts ensure you're getting the most accurate financial data in the industry. Our data operations team has logged over 3.5 million hours researching, organizing, and …

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PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA in Jakarta Selatan

BHARINTO EKATAMA. PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA is a company registered in Indonesia. Info-clipper brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, analysis and official information from Indonesian Registry. Reports on PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA include information such as :

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Connections PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk Börse Stuttgart

Relationship chart for related private companies: PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. Active Relations. Past Relations. Related private companies: PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk ... PT Bharinto Ekatama, PT Kitadin, and PT Jorong Barutama Greston. Employees. 0 Sector. Coal Calendar. - Q3 2024 Earnings Release (Projected) More about the …

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PT. Trubaindo Coal Mining & PT. Bharinto Ekatama | LinkedIn

PT. Trubaindo Coal Mining & PT. Bharinto Ekatama | 1,615 followers on LinkedIn. Location based in Kalimantan

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PT Bharinto Ekatama Company Profile

PT Bharinto Ekatama (Indonesia) PT Bharinto Ekatama is based in Indonesia. The head office is in South Jakarta. The company operates in the Coal Mining sector. It was …

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PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA - 773959 PAGE NO. : 1 MIRA INFORM REPORT Report No. : 773959 Report Date : 10.01.2023 IDENTIFICATION DETAILS Name : PT. BHARINTO …

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PT Bharinto Ekatama

PT BHARINTO EKATAMA is a coal company with location operate in East Kalimantan (Kutai Barat) and Central Kalimantan (Barito Utara) and a subsidiary PT Indo Tambang Raya Megah …

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Lowongan Kerja PT Bharinto Ekatama (ITM subsidiaries) …

PT Bharinto Ekatama (ITM subsidiaries) is looking for potential candidate to joint our team PIT SERVICES. Job Responsibilities. Supervise construction works (Levee. bank, drainage system, road etc.) Supervise removal activity topsoil and Overburden

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PT Bharinto Ekatama Prb

In case of the report's unavailability, we will refund within 24 hours. It happens in rare cases due to the company's pending arbitration in court or due to recent deregistration filing, thus the information becomes inaccessible in the database even if the company registration number exists). For any other info or question, please connect with us

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Audrey Venera Kusuma

Coal Analyst at PT. Bharinto Ekatama | Coal Supply Management Dept. · Graduated in Bachelor of Biology program at University of Palangka Raya, with experience as intern at the National Research and Innovation Agency in Herpetology Laboratory. Focused in data management; encompassing field data collection, meticulous data entry, and data …

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PT BHARINTO EKATAMA | Import Export Data

As per our global export database, PT BHARINTO EKATAMA made total 57 export shipments with a total export value of $214837671 in 2021. Top Export Markets or Countries: Japan(76588058 USD), China(73500752 USD) and Philippines(15133641 USD). Major Export Product Category along with HS Code: Under HSN Code : 27011290 Product Description - …

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Profil PT Bharinto Ekatama, perusahaan tambang …

PT Bharinto Ekatama didirikan pada tahun 1991 dan memiliki kantor pusat di Jakarta, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memiliki sejarah yang panjang dalam industri pertambangan batu bara di Indonesia dan telah mencapai …

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Hanindya Ramadhani

I am a hard worker, highly motivated, willing to learn, agile, adaptive, humble, honest, passionate, good in individual and team.I am a geologist with several years of working experience in Data Management. Have good knowledge of Geochemistry and Geology. I am a fast learner and have a high curiosity about new things that are related to the geology field. I am confident that …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Connections PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk Other OTC

Relationship chart for related private companies: PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. Active Relations. Past Relations. Related private companies: PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk ... PT Bharinto Ekatama, PT Kitadin, and PT Jorong Barutama Greston. Employees. 0 Sector. Coal Calendar. - Q3 2024 Earnings Release (Projected) More about the company

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Connections PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk

Private companies and listed corporations. ... PT Bharinto Ekatama, PT Kitadin, and PT Jorong Barutama Greston. Employees. 2,208 Sector. Coal Calendar. - Q3 2024 Earnings Release (Projected) More about the company Indexes Europe America Asia ...

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PT Trubaindo Coal Mining & PT Bharinto Ekatama – Batch …

PELATIHAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN PT Trubaindo Coal Mining & PT Bharinto Ekatama Bunyut, 10-12 Agustus 2017. Login or Register. Tentang Kami. SIAPA KAMI; Kata Sambutan; Visi, Misi, dan Nilai; LEGALITAS; Pendiri; Tim Kami; TIM PENDUKUNG; Company Profile; Klien Kami; Jasa. Divisi Rambu Lalu Lintas, Rambu K3, dan Produk Cetakan; Divisi Sistem Manajamen ...

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Company PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk

Its downstream business includes the development of power plants and renewable energy ventures. Its subsidiaries are PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bharinto Ekatama, PT Kitadin, and PT Jorong Barutama Greston. Number of employees: 2,208

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Pt. Bharinto Ekatama Jakarta Selatan alamat, direktur, …

PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA di JAKARTA SELATAN, Indonesia | Iditrix. Pt. Bharinto Ekatama Jakarta Selatan. PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA – Perusahaan Indonesia dengan nomor registrasi 68/023973 diterbitkan pada tahun 2019. Alamat terdaftar: PONDOK INDAH OFFICE TOWER 3 LT. 3 JL. SULTAN ISKANDAR MUDA KAV V-TA PONDOK PINANG, KEBAYORAN LAMA.

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Bharinto Ekatama, Pt

Company Name: Bharinto Ekatama, Pt Category: Mining Industry Street: 26 Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Pondok Indah Kav. V-Ta City: Southjakarta,Jakarta,12310 Country: Indonesia Telephone: *****8100 Profile: Bharinto Ekatama, Pt is located in South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia and is part of the Mining Industry. Bharinto Ekatama, Pt has 120 total employees across all of its …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gaji PT Bharinto ekatama

PT. Bharinto ekatama. Ikuti 0.0. Info Perusahaan; 0 Review; 0 Informasi Gaji; 0 Interview; 0 Lowongan Kerja; Tulis Gaji. Gaji PT. Bharinto ekatama Gaji rata-rata External Salary Title. External Salary Tooltip Html. 0,00 Juta/Bulan. Minimum 0,00 Maksimum 0,00. Peringkat akan ditampilkan bila terdapat 10 (sepuluh) atau lebih Info gaji.

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PT Bharinto Ekatama

Incorporation Info of PT Bharinto Ekatama, Indonesia, DKI Jakarta, PONDOK INDAH OFFICE TOWER 3 LT. 3 JL. SULTAN ISKANDAR MUDA KAV V-TA PONDOK PINANG, KEBAYORAN LAMA, Business number: 15424, A Limited Liability Company incorporated in Indonesia ... It happens in rare cases due to the company's pending arbitration in court or due …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
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