An Empirical Contribution Of Mining Sector

The contribution of the mining sector to socioeconomic …

Many low and middle-income mineral-rich countries have experienced strong growth for a decade or longer, propelled by a rapid expansion of their mineral exports and a rise in prices of these commodities. This sustained strong economic performance goes against the accepted wisdom that even though the mining sector, like other extractive industries, can generate …

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The Impact of Mining Sector on Economic development …

economy. The empirical test results suggested that mining sector has been positively associated with growth in the manufacturing and service sectors. Services sector seems to have benefitted more from the mining sector than the manufacturing sector during 1976-2014. The …

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The Role of Mining in the Economies of Developing …

2 Mining and Development: Theoretical Rationales. The essence of the "development" argument for mining in developing countries is that the industry can contribute …

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Social sciences and the mining sector: Some insights into …

1. Introduction. The number of science publications is growing exponentially, doubling every 9–10 years (Bornmann and Mutz, 2015).This growth leaves researchers, policy makers as well as practitioners with a sea of knowledge, although several publications have remained unread and uncited for decades (Larivière et al., 2007, Meho, 2007).From a …

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Assessing the progress of the mining industry towards …

Current empirical studies have focused on the impacts of mining operations on individual dimensions such as energy (Mardani et al., 2017), environment (Piao et al., 2019), business innovation ( and Molina, 2020), and lack a strategy for evaluating green growth systems for the mining industry.

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Mining's contribution to national economies between 1996 …

Coal constitutes roughly half of the total value of industrial mine production globally. Iron ore, copper and gold follow next. Nickel and zinc are each roughly an order of magnitude smaller and approximately the same level as the fertilizer minerals phosphate and potash: 2–3% of the total value of production at the mine stage. …

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The Role of Information Technology for Knowledge Management…

Access to energy sources plays a critical role in economic and social development (Kaygusuz, 2012). ... An Empirical Study of the Indian Coal Mining Industry. Prabhash Chandra Mishra Management, Birla ... and contribute to growth of the Indian coal industry. We evaluated IT practices for KM at Coal India Limited (CIL), a state-owned behemoth ...

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(PDF) The Impact of Mining on the Ghanaian Economy: A …

The mining sector plays a c rucial role in Gha na's national economy. It contribut es significantly to the country's gross domestic pr oduct (GDP), export earnings, and government revenue.

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The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in developing

ELSEVIER Ecological Economics 13 (1995) 53-63 ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS Analysis The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in developing countries David I. Stern * Department of Environmental Economics and Environmental Management, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, UK Received 16 March 1994; accepted 15 …

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic Development in Nigeria David, Oladipo Olalekan University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa ... The aim of this paper therefore is to investigate the contribution of mining sector to the economic development in Nigeria even with the several years of neglect by the

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Sustainability in the mining sector of Ghana: An empirical …

The mining industry has experienced increased stakeholder pressure over the last decades, and the legitimacy of the mining industry and its place in society is sometimes questioned.

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Electricity and cryptocurrency mining: An empirical contribution

Based on the mining cost per country as presented in Reiff [21] confirms that the cost of mining a Bitcoin is as high as $26,170 in South Korea, $17,566 in Niue, $16,773 in Bahrain, $16,209 in the Solomon Islands, Cooks Islands, etc. while it is as cheap as $1190 in Trinidad and Tobago, $1788 in Uzbekistan, $1852 in Ukraine, $1983 in Kuwait and ...

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The Contribution of the Mining Sector to Socioeconomic …

the earlier empirical results and others who argue that it is too determin-istic. Curiously, so far there has not been much emphasis on the fact that . viii. The Contribution of the Mining …

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic… 91 2.2 Empirical Review of Literature The impact of mining of solid minerals on domestic economies has been examined fromdifferent perspectives. There is for instance the structuralist thesis which

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Effects of mining sector FDI, environmental regulations, and …

Yet, this study selected OECD countries to comprehensively analyze the mining sector's foreign direct investment, economic complexity, and environmental regulations with mineral resource dependency. Related to this contribution, the objective is to consider the OECD nations as resource dependency dynamics are less studied for this region.

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector …

Mining industries have been viewed as key drivers of economic growth and development process, as lead sectors that drive economic. Nigeria is richly endowed with vast but largely untapped natural resources including solid minerals and arable land. Mining industries have been viewed as key drivers of economic growth and development process, as ...

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An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Agriculture and Petroleum Sector to the Growth and Development of the Nigerian Economy from 1960-2010 ... The mining sector has been the mainstay of ...

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Ghana's mining sector: its contribution to the national …

Furthermore, from the mining sector's contribution to national export earnings of less than 20% in the mid-1980s, as much as 40% of Ghana's total merchandise export earnings have been attributed to mining since 1992. ... of these developments the rest of this paper is organised into three sections and undertakes a review of available empirical ...

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Role of Construction Sector in Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from

The construction industry's contribution to economic growth and long-term national development is widely acknowledged (Isa, Jimoh & Achuenu, 2013;Lopes, Oliveira & Abreu, 2011;Berk & Biçen, 2018 ...

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(PDF) An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining …

An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Mining Sector to Economic … 89 the discovery ofcrude oil was a major contributor to economic growth (Martin and Subramanian, 2003).

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Sustainable development of the mining sector for achieving …

This paper enriches the existing literature by underscoring the prospective role of a sustainable mining sector in fostering well-rounded growth in rural regions. ... Moving forward, Section 5 takes center stage as it presents and discusses the empirical findings derived from the data analysis, offering insights into the potential impacts of ...

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(PDF) Corporate social responsibility in the mining industry: …

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how and what drives corporate social responsibility (CSR) in host communities of mining companies in developing countries.

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DSpace at Khazar University: An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution …

About fifty solid minerals have been discovered in five hundred locations in the country (Alison-Madueke, 2009).As a result of this, mining is done virtually in all the states of the federation.Mining industries have been viewed as key drivers of economic growth and the development process, as lead sectors that drive economic expansion which ...

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The Impact of Mining on the Ghanaian Economy: A …

The mining sector plays a crucial role in Ghana's national economy. It contributes significantly to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), export earnings, and government revenue. The …

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Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and comparison …

The contribution of the mining sector in the SDG achievement is discussed in a report by the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, the Word Economic Forum, and the United Nations (CCSI et al., 2016). The report shows how mining companies could integrate into core business actions and objectives that contribute to the achievement of SDG.

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Full article: The impact of mining foreign direct investment …

The inclusion of resource rent, inflation, government expenditure, trade openness, and credit to the private sector was informed by empirical studies (Adams & Atsu, Citation 2014; Asamoah et al., ... The positive contributions of FDI to the mining sector only enhance economic growth in the short-run period. Mining sector FDI concentration in ...

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The contribution of the mining sector to socioeconomic and …

The contribution of the mining sector to socioeconomic and human development. G. Mcmahon, Susana Moreira. Published 1 April 2014. Economics, Environmental Science. …

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Effects of mining sector FDI, environmental regulations, and …

Understanding the importance of the channels mentioned above between the mining sector's foreign direct investment, economic complexity, and environmental regulations with mineral resource dependency, the current study adds various novelty and fruitful contributions to the existing literature with specific objectives.

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Dynamics and Trends of Mining in Tanzania: A …

years later, the Mining Sector contribution to GDP stands at about 10 percent whereas Manufacturing sector is at between 7 and 8 percent. This shows that mining sector contribution has increased by 10 times over and above contribution of the manufacturing sector. This trend has more economic puzzle than simply the observed performance.

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The Role of a Policy in Strengthening Corporate Social …

The Role of a Policy in Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Study of the Mining Sector in Ghana @article{Kumaza2018TheRO, title={The Role of a Policy in Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Study of the Mining Sector in Ghana}, author={Alphonse Kumaza and Yuanqiong He}, journal={Journal of ...

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