Reinforced Concrete Recycling Technology

Recycled fibers in reinforced concrete: A systematic literature …

RFRC composites. In the section, we have analyzed if in studies dealing with recycled fibers in concrete, other components such as fine and coarse aggregates and …

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Effect of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Waste on the …

Selection of Recycling Technology. Currently, there are three ways to reuse rGFRP obtained through mechanical recycling in concrete. ... Teng J.G. Concrete reinforced with macro fibres recycled from waste GFRP. Constr. Build. Mater. 2021; 310:125063. doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125063. [Google Scholar] 39. Alberti M.G., Enfedaque A., Galvez ...

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A technology review of recycling methods for fiber-reinforced …

The purpose of this review is to evaluate end-of-life FRP recycling technologies in terms of optimizing the reuse/recycling of resources and eliminating waste, thereby improving FRP waste management. The technical progress made in the recycling of thermosetting composites is reviewed, including mechanical, thermal (pyrolysis and fluidized-bed ...

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Waste-free technology for recycling concrete rubble

The described method of separating the hardened cement mortar from the coarse aggregate and disintegrating this mortar, as well as the device for applying this method, will simplify existing recycling technologies of reinforced concrete structures, increase the efficiency of production lines, significantly improve the environmental protection ...

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How and Why Do We Recycle Concrete?

The additional steps required for handling reinforced concrete can increase the time and cost of recycling. However, advances in technology, including better sorting and separation methods, have streamlined this …

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Reinforcing concrete with recycled plastic wastes

In this context, the use of simple concrete and reinforced concrete is somewhat restricted by specific phenomena such as: cracking, fire resistance, shrinkage, shock resistance, wear resistance ...

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Sustainability of recycling plastic waste as fibers for concrete…

Plastic waste management is of global concern while construction industry keeps searching for innovations to become more sustainable. In this scenario, recycling plastic waste as fibers for reinforcement of concrete stands out as a promising alternative to address both problems. In the last decade, many reviews have focused on how plastic fibers affect …

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Recycling waste tyre polymer for production of fibre reinforced …

Behaviour of recycled tyre polymer fibre reinforced concrete under dynamic splitting tension. Cem. Concr. Compos. (2020) M. Chen et al. Flexural fatigue behaviour of recycled tyre polymer fibre reinforced concrete. ... Improvement of waste tyre recycling technology based on a new Tyre markings. J. Clean. Prod. (2020)

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Bamboo Reinforced Concrete

International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 3.2 (2014). Electronic Document. Sjunnesson, Jeannette. "Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete." 2005. Online Article. ... In the process of recycling bamboo reinforced concrete, concrete drilling tools are used. Concrete drilling tools require fuel for energy, making the process ...

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Hybrid recycling methods for fiber reinforced polymer …

Reis JML, Ferreira AJM. Assessment of fracture properties of epoxy polymer concrete reinforced with short carbon and glass fibers. Construct Build Mater 2004; 18: 523–528. Crossref. Web of Science ... et al. Composite material recycling technology—state-of-the-art and sustainable development for the 2020s. Journal of Composites Science 2021 ...

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Advanced Carbon Reinforced Concrete Technologies for …

The carbon reinforced concrete (CRC) technology is very promising in this context since it drastically reduces the energy and greenhouse gas consumption in the construction phase. However, to develop concrete-based nZEB solutions, specific thermal insulation solutions to decrease the emissions during service life are needed as well.

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Smart materials and technologies for sustainable concrete …

Concrete is a sustainable and versatile construction material which can produce structures that last for thousands of years. Due to the many areas of application, concrete is …

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Waste and Recycled Materials in Concrete Technology

This chapter reviews the waste and recycled materials in concrete technology. Concrete made with Portland cement, water, admixtures, and aggregates comprises in quantity the largest of all man-made materials. Worldwide consumption of concrete amounts to more than 1000 kg per person. The demand is expected to increase in future.

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(PDF) A review on concrete recycling

Recycling Technology, 106-109, 1999. ... The reinforced concrete column in our study was subjected to an explosive load equivalent to 682 kilograms of TNT at a distance of 6.1 meters. We extracted ...

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Recyclable Materials in Concrete Technology: Research …

The Special Issue on "Recyclable Materials in Concrete Technology: Research Progress and Application" focuses on the use of Recyclable Materials in Concrete …

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Seismic Behavior of Concrete Beam-Column Joints Reinforced …

Joints in frame structures often fail before beams and columns in an earthquake and are a key part of reinforcement. In this study, to enhance the seismic performance of concrete frame structures, a steel-jacketed grouting composite reinforcement method is proposed by combining reinforcement technology, steel cladding technology, and eco-efficient materials …

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A critical review of the current progress of plastic waste recycling …

Khalid et al. investigated the performance of plastic wastes in fibre-reinforced concrete beams [20, 31]. In their research, ring-shaped PET (Figure 5) was loaded into the concrete in order to improve its fracture energy, compressive strength, beam flexural strength, and splitting tensile. It also illustrated that the plastic fibres added to ...

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Recycled fibers in reinforced concrete: A systematic literature review

Concrete is the most widely employed material in building construction and has a crucial role in providing health and a safe environment to the global population, being after water the most used resource (Henry and Kato, 2014).In fact, if properly produced, concrete has exceptional durability and mechanical characteristics, and is an excellent engineered material …

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Field Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Overlays

Concrete Recycling (RCA) Geotextiles; Internal Curing; Pavement Preservation; ... fiber reinforced concrete, Load transfer, Overlays (Pavements), Pavement performance, Smoothness. LINKS. ... National Concrete Pavement Technology Center 2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700 Ames, IA 50010-8664 T 515-294-5798 ...

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Recycling of Macro-Synthetic Fiber-Reinforced …

The study aims to investigate the feasibility of using recycled aggregate (RA) and recovered fibers (RFs) obtained from recycling polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete (PPFRC) in new concrete …

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Recycling of wind turbine blades through modern recycling technologies

Fig. 9 presents TRLs of different recycling technologies based on established knowledge about the application of each recycling technology, their recent advancements, and real-world applications. This figure also shows that the TRL of microwave pyrolysis-based hybrid technology is low with a high waste management score.

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Rainmaster Concrete Tanks | Rainmaster Technologies

Rainmaster Technologies Standard Concrete Tank Solutions . ... 7,500 Litre Reinforced Concrete Water Recycling System. 10,000 Litre Reinforced Concrete Water Recycling System. Above/Below Ground : Capacity: Diameter: Total Height: Below Ground: 3140 Litres: 1750mm: 1770mm: Below Ground: 5050 Litres: 2070mm

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14-10-2024(... continued page 2)

Scientists say they have designed machine learning models able to predict when and why structures built of reinforced concrete start deteriorating and cracking. 10 hours ago 0. 3. Energy & Green Tech. Reduce demand and recycle critical materials like lithium in UK, say top engineers. A University of Sheffield professor has contributed to a new ...

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New model makes it easier to build sustainable

The technology to utilise carbon fibre textiles already exists, but it has been challenging, among other things, to produce a basis for reliable calculations for complex and vaulted structures. ... The reinforcement mesh is …

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Toray reveals glass fiber-reinforced PPS recycling technology

Toray Industries Inc. (Toyko, Japan) announces that it has developed a technology that makes it possible to recycle glass fiber-reinforced polyphenylene sulfide (GFRP-PPS) that performs like resins. The increased recycling ratio also contributes to emission reduction.

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Recycling technologies for fibre-reinforced plastic …

Recycling fibre-reinforced plastic composite materials in accordance with circular economy principles might be a way to overcome such problems. Thus, this paper aims to empirically analyse the existing scientific literature regarding recycling technologies for fibre-reinforced plastic composite materials.

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Physio-mechanical, durability and microstructural properties …

This study investigated permeable concrete's physico-mechanical durability and microstructural properties using recycled polypropylene aggregate (RpA) and basalt fiber (BF). RpA was used as a replacement for coarse aggregates with weight ratios of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, and BF was added to the mixtures with volume ratios of 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1%. …

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Life cycle assessment of post-demolition autoclaved aerated concrete …

Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is made of quartz sand, cement, quicklime, anhydrite or gypsum, aluminium powder/paste (as aerating agent), and water (Kreft, 2017; German Institute for Standardization, 2018).During production, a porous structure typical for AAC is formed where the millimetres to nanometres sized pores make up 60 – 85 vol.-% (Anders, …

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Recyclable Materials in Concrete Technology: Research …

The Special Issue on "Recyclable Materials in Concrete Technology: Research Progress and Application" focuses on the use of Recyclable Materials in Concrete Technology. ... (RFs) obtained from recycling polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete (PPFRC) in new concrete production. The mechanical properties were compared between a parent PPFRC ...

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Performance Assessment of a Novel Green Concrete Using …

An actual scientific problem in current concrete science is poor knowledge of the problem of modifying concrete with plant waste. At the same time, plant waste benefits from other types of waste because it is a recycled raw material. A promising technological approach to modifying concrete with plant waste is the introduction of components based on the …

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