Role Iron Plant Growth

Iron Nutrition in Plants: Towards a New Paradigm?

Abstract. Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development. Fe availability affects crops' productivity and the quality of their derived …

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Role of Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria in Plant …

Heavy metals migrate easily and are difficult to degrade in the soil environment, which causes serious harm to the ecological environment and human health. Thus, soil heavy metal pollution has become one of the main environmental issues of global concern. Plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a kind of microorganism that …

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Unravelling the role of plant growth promoting …

This review critically evaluates the role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in enhancing both plant growth and the efficacy of phytoremediation. ... Streptomyces genera are involved in the production of siderophores that facilitate the transfer iron into plant cells and aid in their growth (van Beelen and Fleuren-Kemilä, …

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Frontiers | The role of melatonin in plant growth and …

The exogenous application of melatonin is essential for plant growth and development under abiotic stresses. Phytomelatonin plays a key role in plant metabolism and the complex mechanism of plant function; however, the role that melatonin plays in the underlying mechanisms in plants grown under abiotic stress is still poorly understood.

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Chromium in plant growth and development: Toxicity, …

The Cr(VI) toxic effects related to iron deficiency including shoot yellowing and primary root growth inhibition diminished supplying iron to Cr(VI)-treated seedlings, which resumed root growth and were alleviated from leaf chlorosis, indicating that Fe nutrition is an important target of Cr(VI) stress in plants (Martínez-Trujillo et al., 2014).

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Cobalt: An Essential Micronutrient for Plant Growth?

Microbes play important roles in plant nutrient acquisition, biotic and abiotic stress management, physiology regulation through microbe-to ... Increased plant growth, root yield, mineral elements as well as protein, carbohydrate, vitamin C, sucrose, and glucose contents ... Transporters contributing to iron trafficking in plants. Mol. Plant 4 ...

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Effects of Iron on Plant Growth

This is why iron supplementation has become a vital practice for promoting healthy plant growth – by increasing iron availability in the soil, we can reduce iron deficiency symptoms and help ensure healthier plants. Iron Deficiency in Plants. Iron deficiency in plants occurs when the iron needed for normal activities such as …

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Iron plays a significant role in various physiological and ... Effects of Iron on Plant Growth Iron is the third most limiting nutrient for plant growth and metabolism, primarily due to the low ...

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Phosphorus Plays Key Roles in Regulating Plants' …

Phosphorus plays a fundamental role in regulating physiological responses and enhancing abiotic stress tolerance in plants, such as heat, salinity, drought, waterlogging, high CO 2 and heavy metal toxicity [8,9].Plants possess the capability to sense and respond to variations in phosphorus availability through specific signaling …

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Acquisition and Homeostasis of Iron in Higher …

Iron (Fe) is a micronutrient that plays an important role in agriculture worldwide because plants require a small amount of iron for its growth and development. All major functions in a plant's life from …

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Exploring the Effects of Iron Nanoparticles on Plants: Growth

Iron is necessary for the growth and development of plant because it plays a crucial role in the activity of enzymes, transcription of DNA, and synthesis of RNA, enhance the photosynthesis rate as it improves the photosystem and increase the activity of auxin [].]. Due to the cheap and low toxic effect of iron-based NPs fertilizers considered to be …

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How Iron Affects Soil Health and Plant Growth

Iron is a micronutrient that is essential for plant growth and development. It plays a key role in various physiological processes, such as photosynthesis, cellular respiration, chlorophyll synthesis, and defense against pathogens.

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Effects of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Fe3O4) on Growth, …

1. Introduction. Applying innovative nanotechnology in agriculture is considered one of the promising approaches to obtain significant increases of crop yield [1,2].There is a growing field of literature examining the effects of various types of nanoparticles (NPs) on plant growth and development [2,3,4].Numerous reports show …

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Potassium in plants: Growth regulation, signaling, and …

Potassium (K) is a vital macronutrient and has significant roles in plants like osmoregulation, membrane potential regulation, cotransport of sugars, stress adaption and growth (al et al., 2020; Sardans and Peñuelas, 2021).Multiple types of transport occur for the transport of potassium ion (K +), but their regulation under low and high content …

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Iron deficiency in plants: an update on homeostasis and its …

Iron is an essential micronutrient for plants as it involves in several important physiological processes. Understanding iron homeostasis in plants is pivotal, not only for improving their growth and development but also for enhancing human nutrition as plants are the principal dietary source of iron. This calls for the need to enrich …

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Transition Metal Homeostasis and Its Role in Plant Growth …

Iron with oxide when applied on plant plays a proficient role in increasing the plant height, nutrient status, growth parameters and yield (Zia-ur-Rehman et al. 2018). Fe in low amount is used for detoxification of cell and crop improvement program (Nikolic and Pavlovic 2018 ).

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Siderophore-Producing Spinacia Oleracea Bacterial …

Microbial-assisted biofortification has emerged as a sustainable approach to improve food security by enhancing the nutrient content as well as yield of agricultural crops. In the present study, we have examined the potential of siderophore-producing plant growth-promoting endophytic bacterial strain in improving nutrient content and …

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Cytokinin and Its Key Role to Enrich the Plant Nutrients and Growth …

It is rich in iron (43.1 ppm) in comparison to 28.0–32.0 ppm in popular varieties, having grain yield 48.8 q/ha in North Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ), 61.3 q/ha in North Western Plains Zone (NWPZ) and 75.5 q/ha in high fertility conditions. ... Besides the important role of cytokinins for plant growth and development in normal conditions, ...

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Editorial: Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants

In plants, iron is also required for photosynthesis and chlorophyll synthesis. The availability of iron in soils dictates the distribution of plant species in natural …

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ROLE OF IRON IN PLANT GROWTH AND METABOLISM Gyana R. Rout and Sunita Sahoo Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 003, ... Effects of Iron on Plant Growth Iron is the third most limiting nutrient for plant growth and metabolism, primarily due to the …

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Iron transport and homeostasis in plants: current …

Plant Growth Regulation - Agriculture and plant science face a formidable challenge in feeding the world's expanding population in a sustainable, sufficient, and nutrient-rich manner. ... FRO7 plays a role in …

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Role of calcium nutrition in plant Physiology: Advances in …

Plant growth and development requires essential minerals and nutrients. The morphological and physiological features of plants are defined by the specific role of each nutrient, because they are associated with various fundamental metabolic processes (Saito and Uozumi, 2020; de Bang et al., 2021).However, the availability and solubility of …

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Research progress on iron absorption, transport, and …

1.1.1. Effect of iron on plant morphological characters . Iron is not a constituent of chlorophyll, but it is involved in the process of chlorophyll synthesis (Norman and Javier, 1986).When plants are deficient in iron, they first show symptoms such as vein chlorosis, shrunken leaves, and plant dwarfing, which in turn affect the normal growth …

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Editorial: Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants

A key role in the regulation of iron uptake is played by bHLH proteins. Until now, 16 bHLH transcription factors of this type were shown to be involved in the control of cellular iron homeostasis; it can be expected that this number is not yet exhaustive. ... Infection with growth-promoting bacteria improves plant growth, increases iron content ...

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Role of Boron in Growth and Development of Plant: …

Boron deficiency in plants is relatively more common than deficiency of other micronutrients (Gupta 1993).Boron impact on plant growth and metabolism is clear and boron deficiency has negative impacts on their functions (Gonzáles-Fontes et al. 2008).When boron shortage prevails, the ultimate effect appears on the cell wall …

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(PDF) Role of iron in plant growth and metabolism …

Role of iron in plant growth and metabolism. May 2015; Reviews in Agricultural Science 3:1-2 ... The present review discusses …

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Iron homeostasis in plants – a brief overview

Iron plays a crucial role in biochemistry and is an essential micronutrient for plants and humans alike. Recent progress in the field has led to a better understanding …

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Role of Iron in Plant Growth and Metabolism

Effects of Iron on Plant Growth Iron is the third most limiting nutrient for plant growth and metabolism, primarily due to the low solubility of the oxidized ferric form in aerobic environments ( Zuo and Zhang, 2011; …

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Copper: uptake, toxicity and tolerance in plants and …

Copper (Cu) is an essential mineral nutrient for the proper growth and development of plants; it is involved in myriad morphological, physiological, and biochemical processes. Copper acts as a cofactor in various enzymes and performs essential roles in photosynthesis, respiration and the electron transport chain, and is a …

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Manganese in Plants: From Acquisition to Subcellular …

Manganese (Mn) is an important micronutrient for plant growth and development and sustains metabolic roles within different plant cell compartments. ... and secondary phosphorus and iron deficiency. Plant Physiol. 143 263–277. 10.1104/pp.106.088609 [PMC free ... Transport properties of members of the ZIP family …

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