Sika Concrete Additive

Sika® CNI | Corrosion Inhibitors

Sika® CNI is a calcium nitrite-based admixture designed to inhibit the corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete. Sika® CNI contains a minimum of 30% calcium nitrite by mass and meets the requirements of ASTM C1582, Corrosion Inhibiting Admixture and ASTM C494 / AASHTO M194 Type C.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika® Intraplast® N | Cementitious grout | Sika Canada

Sika® Intraplast® N Expanding/Fluidifying Grouting Additive Produces an extremely fluid, workable, low bleeding, non-settling, cohesive grout. It can be used with all types of grout incorporating Type GU, MS, MH or HE cements with or without pozzolanic materials or fine aggregate. ... Normal set grouting aid for cement to increase fluidity ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaCim® Concrete Additive

SikaCim® Concrete Additive July 2021, Version 02.01 0200536 PRODUCT DATA SHEET SikaCim® Concrete Additive HIGH RANGE WATER REDUCING ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaGrind®-718 Activator AE | Cement Additives

SikaGrind®-718 Activator AE is a liquid, ready-to-use cement additive designed to enhance cement performance. In addition to acting as a Grinding Aid in the milling process and a flow aid in cement conveyance, SikaGrind®-718 Activator AE improves specific cement properties by the activity of its chemical components. These act in the …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika Concrete Additive Balikpapan 085246069655

Jual Sika Concrete Additive Balikpapan 085246069655 dapat ditambahkan ke beton segar sebelum atau sesudah pengadukan. Dosis yang disarankan akan berbeda-beda Sika Concrete Additive adalah aditif beton yang diformulasikan untuk meningkatkan kinerja beton, termasuk: Kekuatan Workability Durabilitas Kecepatan pengerasan Sika …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Cement Additives | Sika New Zealand

Find cement additives from Sika New Zealand to improve the workability, setting time, and strength of cement. Our additives are ideal for a variety of applications, including concrete production, mortar production, and grout production.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika® Retarder-22 | Concrete Admixture

Sika® Retarder-22 is a phosphate based liquid admixture that slows the cement hydration; delaying the initial set in direct proportion to the dosage used. After the planned delay in initial set, hardening develops at an accelerated rate. Suitable for use in tropical and hot climatic conditions.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaCim Concrete Additive 900 ml

SikaCim® Concrete Additive is a high range water reducing concrete admixture specially formulated for the precast concrete element industry; to meet the demand of early removal of formwork due to the early strength gain. Enables concrete placing equipment to be used to its full capacity. Effective throughout dosage range.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


Concrete fibers reduce shrinkage crack formation and crack widths, while also increasing performance in energy absorption and fire resistance. Additional benefits, such as reduction or elimination of reinforcing steel and increased durability, can also be seen. ... Sika Corporation. 201 Polito Avenue Lyndhurst New Jersey 07071 United States of ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaCim® Concrete Additive | Plasticizer

Sika® Fume. SikaFibre® Jangan gunakan SikaCim® Concrete Additive dikombinasikan dengan tipe Viscocrete / Viscoflow. Untuk menghasilkan beton yang mengalir dan/atau self-compacting concrete (SCC), …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika® Retarder-22 | Concrete Admixture

Set Retarding Concrete Admixture. Sika® Retarder-22 is a phosphate based liquid admixture that slows the cement hydration; delaying the initial set in direct proportion to …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Underwater Concrete

Cement and Powder Additives. ... Sika Underwater Concrete Projects. Aberdeen Harbour Expansion. Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom Aberdeen Harbour Expansion. Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom 2022. Established in 1136, Aberdeen Harbour is Britain's oldest existing business. The Aberdeen Harbour Expansion Project is a £400 million ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaGrind® ES 2102 | Cement Additives

SikaGrind® ES 2102 is a liquid, ready-to-use cement additive designed to enhance cement performance. In addition to acting as a Grinding Aid in the milling process and a flow aid in cement conveyance, SikaGrind® ES 2102 improves specific cement properties by the activity of its chemical components. ... Sika GCC. Dubai Industrial City, Saih ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika Decorative Concrete

Sika offers a complete menu of engineered decorative concrete coloring, texturing, refurbishment and performance systems that bridge the gap between functionality and aesthetics, allowing architects, specifiers, contractors and homeowners to achieve both performance goals and design intent. We're changing the way the world looks at concrete.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


Takaran sekitar 300ml Sika Cim Concrete additive untuk 1 zak semen dengan syarat harus mengurangi pemakaian air sampai 15% dari penggunaan air pada beton normal. campurkan semen, Sika Cim dan air secukupnya kedalam Molleen sampai acian tercampur dengan baik dan beton/mortar siap dituangkan.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

High Range Water Reducer

Increased strengths allow faster structural use of concrete. Sika® ViscoCrete®-2110 does not contain intentionally added chlorides. Sika® ViscoCrete®-4100 HIGH RANGE WATER REDUCING ADMIXTURE. Various levels of water reduction can be achieved by adjusting the dosage rate of Sika® ViscoCrete®-4100. ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Concrete Solutions

Sika's first product, appropriately named Sika 1, was a concrete admixture that allowed for the electrification of tunnels in Europe by waterproofing the concrete that lined the interior. Now recognized as a world leader in specialty chemicals and other products specifically engineered for concrete, we continue to bring technologies to the ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika Proof Liquid Waterproofing Admixture

Cement Additives & Sealants; Sika Proof Liquid Waterproofing Admixture - 5L; Sika Proof Liquid Waterproofing Admixture - 5L. Product code: 133791. £8.50. £1.70 per L. ... Type: Cement additives; Manufacturer Model No: 520298; Brand Name: Sika; Features & benefits. Lowers porosity to improve water resistance;

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Shrinkage Reducing and Compensating Admixture

SikaControl® NS is a shrinkage reducing/compensating admixture used to produce high performance concrete with reduced potential for drying shrinkage, cracking and curling. ... please contact your local regional Sika office or Sika technical service department at 1-800-933-7452 prior to using the Sika admixture. ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Cement Additives

Since several years Märker trusts the quality of SikaGrind®-870, a cement additive which is based on the Sika® ViscoCrete® technology. The integrated cement plant in Harburg and the grinding station in Lauffen produce all cement types which are relevant in the market. The product portfolio covers the complete application spectrum and ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Dry Shake Hardeners for Concrete Floors

To finish a first-class dry shake hardener floor requires strict planning, coordination and control. The concrete mix must be consistent and concrete delivery schedule to site must be controlled and continuous. …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaGrind® ES 2232 | Cement Additives

SikaGrind® ES 2232 is a liquid, ready-to-use cement additive designed to enhance cement performance. In addition to acting as a Grinding Aid in the milling process and a flow aid in cement conveyance, SikaGrind® ES 2232 improves specific cement properties by the activity of its chemical components. ... Sika GCC. Dubai Industrial City, Saih ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Concrete Admixtures: A Comprehensive Guide

Concrete admixtures are liquids or powders which are added to the concrete during mixing in small quantities. The dosage is usually defined based on the cement content (expressed as a percentage by weight of …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SCOFIELD® Traction Additive | Sealers

SCOFIELD® Traction Additive is a lightweight synthetic coatings additive designed to increase slip resistance with minimal changes to coating color or appearance. It is easily incorporated into water or solvent based paints, stains, and sealers just prior to application. Lighter and less abrasive than ordinary sand aggregates, settling during application is …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Cement Additive

Sika offers many types of cement additives known to improve cement quality, increase production efficiency and meet your local demands: Quality Improver. Clinker is often replaced with supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) such as granulated blast furnace slag, natural pozzolanes and fly ash in order to reduce CO2 emissions and …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaRapid®-1 | Concrete Admixture

SikaRapid®-1 is a liquid hardening accelerator for concrete and mortar. It meets the requirements for hardening accelerators according to EN 934-2. ... Cement Additives Waterproofing Liquid Applied Waterproofing ... Sika GCC. Dubai Industrial City, Saih Shuaib 4 Plot No. 61, DM No. 533-279 P.O.Box 126212 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

SikaCim® Concrete Additive

SikaCim® Concrete Additive Juli 2022, Versi 02.01 0200536 LEMBAR DATA TEKNIS SikaCim® Concrete Additive HIGH RANGE WATER REDUCING ... SikaCim® Concrete Additive Author: PT. Sika Indonesia Head Office and Manufacturing, Jl. Raya Cibinong-Bekasi Km.20, Limusnunggal-Cileungsi, Bogor 16820-Indonesia, Tel. …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika® WT-200 P

For Sika® Watertight Concrete: Sika® WT-200 P has been formulated for use in concrete with a minimum binder content of 350 kg/m³ and a maximum w/b-ratio of 0.45. Depending on the specific mix design the dosage of HRW /superplasticizer has to be evaluated in order to achieve a consistency ≥110 mm (slump test AS1012.3.1)

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika® Watertight Concrete Powder

Sika® Watertight Concrete Powder is a combined water resisting and HRWR/Superplasticizing admixture used to enhance the workability and reduce the water permeability of concrete. When added to concrete, the HRWR component in the admixture allows for the reduction in the water-cementitious ratio and reduces the large capillary …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Sika®-1 WT | Concrete Admixture

Sika®-1 WT is a normal setting waterproofing admixture whose action is to block the capillaries and pores in concrete and mortar. Although blocking the passage of water it allows breathing to take place so considerably reducing the possibility of condensation. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073
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