Goethite In Cement Hydration

What is Cement Hydration? Phases & It's Importance| UltraTech Cement

Cement hydration involves complex reactions that solidify the cement, forming the backbone of concrete structures and generating heat (known as the heat of hydration of cement), which affects the curing time and strength. Mastering these intricacies of cement hydration can help create durable and robust homes. 5 Phases of the Cement …

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‪Ali Zaoui‬

‪Full Professeur-Exceptional Class 2, Director of LGCgE Laboratory. Director of International Master‬ - ‪‪Cited by 7,571‬‬ - ‪Geo-materials and other materials‬ - ‪Naomaterials - Materials for Civil engineering (concrete-minerals-clays-geopolymers) and envi‬

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Experimental, analytical, and simulation studies of …

comprised barite/goethite aggregates plus ¤ne‑powdered boron carbide additive, was proposed to ... is usually harmful to the cement hydration reaction, microstructure, and/or the other ...

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Effect of temperature on the hydration of Portland cement …

The effect of temperature on the hydration of Portland cement pastes blended with 50 wt.% of siliceous fly ash is investigated within a temperature range of 7 to 80 °C.. The elevation of temperature accelerates both the hydration of OPC and fly ash. Due to the enhanced pozzolanic reaction of the fly ash, the change of the composition of …

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Study of mechanical, thermal, and nuclear radiation …

Barite-Goethite-Tourmaline concrete mix (BGT50), which contains barite ore as coarse aggregates, whereas the fine aggregates composed of 50% goethite and 50% tourmaline. ... which is related to the loss and consumption of mixing water from concrete by heating and hydration. However, the compressive strength of BG concrete mix …

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Study of the Course of Cement Hydration in the Presence of …

Minerals like magnetite [13,14,15,16], hematite [17,18,19], goethite, limonite [3,20], colemanite ... Meanwhile, there is a lack of information on cement …

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Characterization of cement mortars with regional organic …

Cement is the most widely used material in the construction sector worldwide. During the last century, it has shown many advantages, with the main benefits being its low cost and the fact that a lower requirement of industrial development is needed for its production. 1,2 This is especially helpful for less developed countries. OPC …

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Micro-chemomechanical properties of red mud binder and …

Fe is the major element in red mud and is presented in the form of hematite or goethite, which are usually stable in a high pH environment. Al and Si usually occur …

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Effects of the Goethite Surface Hydration …

Dodecylamine (DDA) and sodium oleate (OL) are commonly used collectors in the reverse flotation and the direct flotation of goethite. However, the flotation mechanisms of DDA and OL on the goethite …

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Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties …

4.2 Differential thermal analysis. The soil DTA curve (Fig. 3) showed endothermic effects at 85, 348, 537 and 567°C.These effects are associated with the …

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Suppressing alkali-silica reaction through incorporation of …

The results indicate that, in the presence of InCon, both silicate reaction and secondary aluminate reaction rates are enhanced, and the apparent activation energy (Ea) of cement hydration was decreased from 34.3 KJ/mol to 28.7 KJ/mol indicating a lower temperature sensitivity and threshold of the cement hydration reactions.

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Hydration of Portland cement with red mud as mineral …

between 200 and 400 °C, relative to the dehydroxylation of gibbsite (peak = 275 °C) and goethite decomposition (peak = 307 °C), resulting in 7.35% of loss; 3. peak …

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Impact of different water-reducing agents on the properties …

Concrete is the most widely used material in civil engineering, accounting for approximately 10–20% of the total volume of materials used in this field 1,2.In 2019, global production of concrete ...

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Phase development and hydration kinetics of belite-calcium

The results of the isothermal calorimetry are shown in Fig. 1.The first initial exothermic peak (labelled 1) was within the first 10–15 min for all samples, and is related to the wetting of the system and rapid dissolution of cement clinker phases, and an initial formation of hydration products [[9], [10], [11], 37, 38].The difference between the …

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Effects of a red mud mineralogical composition versus …

Goethite is less reactive than Hematite during the cement hydration process because it is inherently less reactive and less soluble in the pore solution [5], [55]. The setting time and early-stages of strength development are not significantly affected by the presence of Goethite because unlike Hematite it cannot provide enough nucleation …

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Hydration and mixture design of calcined clay blended …

The RILEM technical committee 282-CCL: Calcined Clays as Supplementary Cementitious Materials, investigates all the aspects related to calcined clays, from clay exploration and characterization to calcination process, hydration reactions and concrete properties. This white paper focuses on the hydration mechanisms of calcined clay …

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EXAFS Study of Sr sorption to Illite, Goethite, Chlorite, and …

In the goethite system (Figure 1c), around 80% of the Sr was sorbed from the NaCl solutions up to and including 10 –2 mol L –1. The sorption of Sr decreased to 56 ± 2.4% in a 10 –1 mol L –1 NaCl background. The average pH of the goethite NaCl system was 9.0 ± 0.32 across the concentration range.

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Selenite Sorption on Hydrated CEM-V/A Cement in the …

Numerous studies have reported RNs sorption behavior on cement hydration products.[10, 11] For instance, sorption of Se(IV, VI) oxyanions has attracted extensive ... magnetite-hematite coupling cement (C-M/H), and magnetite-goethite coupling cement (C-M/G) were produced with the aim of simulating the corroded steel interfaces in hydrated cement

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Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of cement

4.2 Differential thermal analysis. The soil DTA curve (Fig. 3) showed endothermic effects at 85, 348, 537 and 567°C.These effects are associated with the loss of hydration water, the dehydroxylation of goethite and its transformation into hematite, the loss of structural water of kaolinite and the transformation of quartz α to β, respectively.

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Preparation and Comprehensive Properties of a High …

Nuclear technology benefits humans, but it also produces nuclear radiation that harms human health and the environment. Based on the modified Andreasen and Andersen particle packing model for achieving a densely compacted cementitious matrix, a new magnetite ultra-high-performance concrete (MUHPC) was designed using …

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Application of thermodynamic modelling to hydrated cements

The application of thermodynamic methods to investigate cement hydration has a long tradition. Initial attempts to study cementitious systems back in 1965 concentrated on collecting thermodynamic data [1].These first attempts initiated the …

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Boosting the use of bauxite residue (red mud) in cement

In this section we aim to correlate the results from the in-situ XRD measurements and the calorimetry measurements and to describe the hydration behaviour of the CSAF cement. In the hydration of 100CSA_0.5, an early dissolution of C 4 A 3 S ¯ occurred that led to the formation of C 6 A S ¯ 3 H 32 and possibly amorphous hydrates, …

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Characterization of (A/F)H3 Phase Microstructure with …

The hydration product Fe (OH) 3 gel phase or Al-containing Fe (OH) 3 [abbreviated as (A / F) H 3] gel phase enables calcium sulfoaluminate cement (CSA) to obtain excellent cementitious properties.The formation of these two gels is closely related to the ratio of Al and Fe in the raw materials. The microstructure and properties of …

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Mortar pore pressure prediction during the first hours of cement hydration

Cement hydration, which is at the origin of the volume deformation, is characterized for the reference mix design. Thus, the degree of hydration is calculated using calorimetry measurements. ... Monocarboaluminate, Monosulfoaluminate, Ettringite, Hydrocalcite, Goethite, in addition to the minerals present in the cement (see section …

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Hydration of Portland cement with red mud as mineral …

tion of gibbsite (peak = 275 ° C) and goethite decom- ... the cement hydration, even with the dilution effect caused. by an increase in red mud content. Therefore, it can be.

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Speciation of iron(II/III) at the iron-cement interface: a review

In addition to reinforcing steel in concrete structures, metallic iron in cement can originate from ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) or non-ferrous metallurgy slag, which can contain a substantial amount of Fe(0) present as finely dispersed metallic nano- to micron-sized particles [3–5].To date, limited information is available on the long-term …

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Early hydration of SCM-blended Portland cements: A pore …

In this study the hydration kinetics and the development of concentrations in the pore solution of cement pastes containing different supplementary cementitious materials (blast-furnace slag, Si-rich fly ash, limestone, quartz) at a cement replacement of 50 wt.% were investigated during the first 6 h of hydration. The results indicate that the …

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Barbara LOTHENBACH | Group Leader Cement …

The cement industry is a major contributor to the anthropogenic CO2 emissions, with about 8% of all emissions coming from this sector. The global cement and concrete association has set a goal to ...

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Dehydration of goethite to hematite from molecular dynamics simulation

In Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS), the prepared catalyst hematite (α-Fe 2 O 3) originates from goethite (α-FeOOH) dehydration in calcinations process.The structure of α-FeOOH and its topotactic transformation into α-Fe 2 O 3 under 300–900 K have been modeled within the framework of density functional theory. Molecular dynamics …

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Effect of gypsum on low-heat Portland cement early …

Mojapelo, Sustainable usage and the positive environmental impact of wastewater dry sludge-based concrete, Results Mater., № 16 Terán-Cuadrado, Current and potential materials for the low-carbon cement production: life cycle assessment perspective, J. Build.

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