Australian Mining Podcast On Skills Strategy

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PR, events and strategyfor the mining industry Strategic Mining Communications isn't a generalist firm – we live and breathe industry.With decades of experience in mining, we speak the language, have a powerful network, and understand the industry-specific ins and outs that will save you time and money. CONNECT In mining, it's about who you know, …

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Workforce planning in mining [Podcast]

As the mining industry continues to battle the severe skills shortage, many mining companies are turning to the creation and management of effective workforce plans to ensure a healthy talent ...

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MATHEW HODGE | Australian Mining

MATHEW HODGE | Australian Mining Australia's mining industry is a pillar of the Australian economy, with the country being one of the world's largest exporters of coal, iron ore, b

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About us

Like the industries we represent, we have evolved. 2019 We started as the Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP), an Australian Government initiative. In collaboration with the Minerals Council of Australia, the MSOP aimed to enhance relationships between the VET sector and the minerals and resources industries, addressing workforce challenges and …

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Mining employment grows yet skills shortage …

Employment in the mining industry grew over the 20 years to November 2023 and the number of workers increased by 10,200 (or 3.5%) over the past year. Yet mining companies continue to struggle to …

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Let's Take This Offline | HR Podcast | AHRI

Subscribe to AHRI's new podcast, 'Let's take this offline', to stay in the loop with each episode release. Listeners get access to resources that will help them put each episode's learnings into action and AHRI members gain …

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How mining can adapt to the skills shortage

In September 2020, the Australian Government introduced the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL), which aims to ensure certain critical occupations are filled to support Australia's …

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MinRes puts its Mind to the Matter

Mineral Resources (MinRes) held its latest Mind Matters series at its Osborne Park head office in Western Australia. MinRes' Mind Matters series aims to give its team members the chance to learn ...

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Dig Deep The Mining Podcast on LinkedIn: Bridging the Skills …

Thank you, Dig Deep The Mining Podcast, Rob Tyson & Patrick Foster, for this excellent interview and the information and guidance therein.It would be great to see CSM graduates promoting these ...

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General Manager, Standards Capability

Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement a learning strategy underpinned by the Australian HR Capability Framework, to provide AHRI members with capability and professional development uplift. Support and deliver the Australian HR Capability Framework and AHRI's HR Assessment Tools.

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Addressing Skill Shortages and Energy Profiles in Mining …

In this episode, we chat with Graeme Stanway, founder & chairman of the company State of Play, a global research platform that publishes the largest global survey on Strategy and Innovation in the Resources sector and has recently released a report with several key insights about the external trends impacting our industry and how industry is innovating …

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Listen Up: 6 Mining Podcasts to Listen to in 2022

THE GO-TO MINING PODCAST. Life of Mine is a podcast focused on Mining in Australia and the people that make the industry great. Developed and hosted by mining professional Matt Michael, Life …

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What we do | Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance

We work closely with Jobs and Skills Australia, drawing on workforce analysis to plan for the mining and automotive industries and create a consistent approach to addressing skill gaps. As a Jobs and Skills Council, we are responsible for four core functions: workforce planning, training product development, implementation, promotion and ...

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Dig Deep The Mining Podcast on LinkedIn: #miningtalent #

Dig Deep The Mining Podcast 4,612 followers 11mo Report this post 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸... On Monday, tune in for an insightful conversation ...

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Taking a data-driven approach to people management in mining

Advanced ANZ head of sales Damien Durston calls for the mining industry to not underestimate the impact of human resources (HR) and data analytics as a foundation for success.

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6. Growing a skilled workforce | Critical Minerals …

What we are already doing Skills. The Government has several major initiatives to address workforce challenges and skills gaps, including the $3.1 billion Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System and $504 …

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The rise of "non-traditional skills" in Australian mining …

It is no secret that Australia's mining industry has been one of the country's most dramatically and consistently profitable enterprises.Resources and energy exports alone added over $200bn to the country's economy between 2019 and 2020 and more recently, between September 2021 and September 2022, mineral exploration …

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The rise of "non-traditional skills" in Australian …

The rise of "non-traditional skills", and the future of Australian miners. As the landscape of mining changes faster than many other sectors, workers face rapid challenges to keep up. JP Casey …

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Best RTO in Australia

Since 1992, Skills Strategies International has been providing innovative training and business development services across both the corporate and public sectors. Our consultative approach to effective skills development is achieved by linking the highest quality industry standard and solutions to our client's strategic goals.

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SA Green Iron full steam ahead

With the South Australian Government focused on supporting the state's green iron and steel future, Lincoln Minerals has ramped up the search for a partner to progress its Green Iron project ...

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Dig Deep The Mining Podcast's Post

Today we have an episode you don't want to miss as Rob sits down with returning guest, Mark Cutifani, Chairman of Vale Base Metals and former CEO of Anglo…

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Fortescue may switch Iron Bridge strategy | The Australian

Fortescue Metals Group is considering a significant change of strategy at its Iron Bridge magnetite mine in the Pilbara, with the company mulling plans to hand over mining at the massive operation ...

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40 Best Australian Leadership Podcasts

Listen to the top Australian podcasts for interviews with leadership coaches & experts on leadership advice, develop leadership skills, becoming a great leader & more ... By awakening and developing these areas, we can enhance our leadership across the board: from vision, values and strategy, to team building and communication, and stand …

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Squaring up the labour market with skill sharing

Australian heavy industry continues to face challenges with an ongoing skilled labour shortage that has been compounded by global supply chain disruptions.

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Skills Strategy a worthy approach

The skills strategy is divided into two main sections: workforce planning and workforce development. ... * Australian Mining will present a special feature in the …

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Dig Deep The Mining Podcast's Post

Our newest episode is live! Dive into innovation, strategy and a number of insights from The State of Play: Mining Strategy in a Changing World report with…

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Engineering skills for mining's future

Ahead of his upcoming keynote presentation, titled Future Engineering Skills, at the International Future Mining Conference 2024, AusIMM spoke with Professor Julien Epps, the Dean of Engineering ...

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The Future of Mining in Australia with David Stead, Byron …

Australia has a rich history of mining, and it continues to play a crucial role in the country's development. From the discovery of precious minerals and metals to the …

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Mad Mumzie

Australia's first mining podcast - since 2016. All the episodes are right here, or subscribe in your favourite podcast app so you don't miss an episode and please leave a rating and review. That way the show's message can be heard by more people.

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The rise of "non-traditional skills", and the future of …

Tania Constable: The Australian mining industry operates in diverse and often challenging workplace environments, contending with a dynamic global business …

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