Asbestos Concentration Magnetic

Magnetic anisotropy of asbestos fibers

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of single asbestos fibers is measured. The alignment of both chrysotile and crocidolite fibers in magnetic fields is …

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Wet process for asbestos concentration

Wet process for asbestos concentration Download PDF Info Publication number WO1983004190A1. WO1983004190A1 PCT/AU1983/000061 AU8300061W WO8304190A1 WO 1983004190 A1 WO1983004190 A1 WO 1983004190A1 AU 8300061 W AU8300061 W AU 8300061W WO 8304190 A1 WO8304190 A1 WO 8304190A1 …

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Effects of rock wool on the lungs evaluated by …

Asbestos has been reported to cause pulmonary fibrosis, and its use has been banned all over the world. ... 6 male Fischer 344 rats (6 to 10 weeks old) were exposed to RW fibers at a target fiber concentration of 100 fibers/cm 3 (length [L] > 20 μm) for 6 hours daily, for 5 consecutive days. As a magnetometric indicator, 3 mg of triiron ...

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The interaction of asbestos and iron in lung tissue revealed …

Histological analyses and iron detection by Perls' staining. The enrolled patients had medium to high content of asbestos bodies in their pulmonary parenchyma according to asbestos bodies counts performed on digested lung tissue (as reported in Table 1).Despite the differences in the estimated fibre content or the presence of …

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Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy …

Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy is a well-known technique for thin film characterization. Since all asbestos species exhibit intense adsorptions peaks in the 4000–400 cm −1 region of the infrared spectrum, a quantitative analysis of asbestos in bulk samples by DRIFT is possible. In this work, different …

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The utility of electron microscopy in detecting asbestos …

The BALF asbestos concentration by EM and in lung tissue by LM were positively correlated. The particle fractions of iron and phosphorus were increased in …

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Synchrotron soft X-ray imaging and fluorescence microscopy …

The corresponding XRF elemental maps, where the brighter parts indicate the highest elemental concentration, reveal the lateral distribution of the elements under consideration. The Si XRF map clearly evidences the location of the asbestos fibre buried inside the body, confirmed by the XRF spectra taken in the selected central spots, a and c.

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Airborne asbestos concentration from brake changing does …

Airborne asbestos concentration from brake changing does not exceed permissible exposure limit Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2003 Aug;38(1):58-70. doi: 10.1016/s0273-2300(03)00069-2. Authors Charles L Blake 1, Drew R Van Orden, Marek Banasik, Raymond D Harbison. Affiliation 1 Clayton Group ...

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Analysis of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations

Airborne Asbestos Concentrations. Buildings 2022, 12, 1372.https:/ ... NaCl (1 M), and 53.77 g of NaHCO3 (0.64 M) in a 1000 mL flask, stirring with a magnetic stirrer [24]. Subsequently, 1000 mL ...

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Evaluation of asbestos exposure within the automotive …

Two independent assessments were performed of airborne asbestos concentrations generated during automotive repair work on vintage vehicles . The first involved removal of asbestos-containing seam sealant, and the second involved servicing of a drive clutch. Despite the relatively high concentrations (5.6-28%) of chrysotile …

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Waterborne asbestos: Good practices for surface waters …

Waterborne asbestos could originate from natural or anthropogenic sources, leading to non-conventional exposure scenarios. It could be a secondary source of …

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Magnetic properties of asbestos fibers

Magnetic properties of asbestos fibers Abstract: It is now well known that inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause a number of severe health problems, including …

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Evaluation of Turbidimetric Methods for Monitoring of Asbestos …

The modified turbidimetric tech- nique, which uses magnetic separation for the prior concentration of fibers, allowed monitoring of high-iron amphi- boles at the one-million-fiber-per-liter level. ... Clearly, there is no reason why the asbestos fiber concentration should be related to the turbidity measurement, unless the asbestos is the ...

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Magnetic properties of asbestos fibers

The values have recently been revised and now depend on type of asbestos fibre as well as concentration. The current method of measuring fibre concentration involves examining an exposed filter pad with a high power optical microscope. ... involves orientation of fibres in a strong magnetic field. In the present work, the orientation of …

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§8358. Asbestos, Appendix K

This is a problem for very low asbestos concentrations where agglomerations or large bundles of fibers may not be present to allow identification by inference. (b) The method requires a great degree of sophistication on the part of the microscopist. ... are two vector components. One is the magnetic vector and the other is the electric vector ...

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Asbestos Exposure and the Mesothelioma Incidence in Poland

3.3. Concentrations of Asbestos Fibers in the Air. Asbestos fiber concentration measurements were carried out from 2004–2013. They were executed by passing a certain amount of air through a membrane filter (from cellulose esters) with a pore size of 0.8 μm and a diameter of 25 mm by a pump with a controlled volume of the air.

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A technical comparison of evaluating asbestos concentration …

As reported in the literature, there are more than 30 different standard methods available for the analysis of asbestos in a variety of situations. The methods include those for …

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f.magnetic stirrer (Teflon coated, 5 cm in length) and magnet? G1605 g.Sink-Float® Standard (2.75±0.005 g/cc at 23ºC)? G1606 h.water aspirator? G1607 ... For the determination of amphibole asbestos concentration using heavy liquid centrifugation, … A.Is the residue properly dried and weighed? (i.e., If the residue has been ...

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Magnetic anisotropy of asbestos fibers

detection of airborne asbestos fibers. Magnetic alignment has first been applied to studying asbestos by Timbrell,3,4 with further work done by Riis and Chatfield,5 Jones …

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(PDF) Magnetic anisotropy of asbestos fibers

Distribution of calculated reorientation time for asbestos fibers sub- jected to a magnetic field in air. The flux density was 0.5 T, the initial angle with respect to the …

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Chrysotile asbestos fibres from Quebec: electron magnetic …

More work is needed to fully characterize the magnetic impurities and compare various asbestos samples. It should be- come possible in the near future to quantitatively determine by EPR the concentration of paramag- netic Fe34' relative to that of ferromagnetic Fe34'.

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Magnetic properties of asbestos fibers | Semantic Scholar

Results indicate that fibres in the range 5 μm to 20 μm have ferro - magnetic properties and the magnetic moment of individualfibres has been predicted. An analytical technique based on this work has recently been patented and should distinguish between fibre types as well as accurately predicting the airborne concentration of asbestos fibres.

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Magnetic orientation of respirable asbestos fibers

These limits depend on the type of asbestos as well as concentration. Unfortunately, the current analytical technique cannot distinguish between different …

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There is disclosed a dry granular calcined magnetic fraction obtained from chrysotile asbestos tailings comprising as its main constituents from 25 to 43% MgO, from 25 to 43% SiO 2, from 15 to 40% iron expressed as Fe 2 O 3, and an MgO/SiO 2 ratio of from 0.8:1 to 1.3:1, said granular material passing a 4 mesh sieve. The novel product is useful for …

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Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, div. 1, ch. 4, subch. 7, grp. 16, art. 110, …

This is a problem for very low asbestos concentrations where agglomerations or large bundles of fibers may not be present to allow identification by inference. (b) The method requires a great degree of sophistication on the part of the microscopist. ... One is the magnetic vector and the other is the electric vector. We shall only be concerned ...

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Waterborne asbestos: Good practices for surface waters …

Chrysotile asbestos standard from Balangero former mine (Italy) was suspended in conventional tap water and magnetic stirred for about 1 h to achieve suspension homogeneity. Water was filtered on 0.22 µm pore membranes and examined to exclude asbestos contamination prior use.

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Standard test method for airborne asbestos concentration in workplace atmosphere - method D 4240-83. In: 1988 annual book of ASTM standards. Vol 11.03. ... Magnetic resonance appearance of asbestos-related …

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Monitoring of airborne asbestos fibers in an urban ambient …

Results showed that the mean asbestos fiber concentrations were equal to 11.40 ± 2.14 and 14.38 ± 2.52 f/L in summer and winter, respectively. The maximum level of asbestos fiber was detected in the station of Baitolmoghaddas square by 26.64 ± 2.14 and 19.3 SEM f/L in winter and summer, respectively. High concentration of asbestos …

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Asbestos Fiber Determination In Water Samples Preparation …

This agrees with the known asbestos content of the water: cummingtonite is known to align parallel and grunerite normal to the magnetic field direction. It was possible to measure …

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(PDF) Magnetic anisotropy of asbestos fibers

Magnetic anisotropy of asbestos fibers. Paul Kaye. 1999, Journal of Applied Physics. See full PDF download Download PDF. Free related PDFs ...

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