گالیم 67 Inacaseoftuberculousperitonitis

Diagnostic feature of tuberculous peritonitis in patients with

The aim of the present study was to compare the clinical characteristics of tuberculous peritonitis (TBP) and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in patients with cirrhosis. A retrospective, matched case-control study was conducted consisting of 12 ...

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Hypercalcemia and refractory peritonitis alert the condition …

Hypercalcemia is commonly encountered in peritoneal dialysis patients with parathyroid hormone abnormalities; however, most of them have faint clinical manifestation and the level usually is less than 13 mg/dL. If severe hypercalcemia exists, granulomatous infection and occult malignancy should be o …

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Corticosteroids as an adjunct to tuberculosis therapy

1. Introduction: corticosteroids as a host-directed therapy in tuberculosis. In 2016, 1.7 million people died from tuberculosis, including 0.4 million people co-infected with HIV-1 infection [].Delayed and poor diagnosis, social factors and limited access to care leading to late clinical presentation are contributors, as is antimicrobial drug resistant disease.

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Peritoneal linear uptake of Ga-67 caused by tuberculous

Peritoneal linear uptake of Ga-67 caused by tuberculous peritonitis. Peritoneal linear uptake of Ga-67 caused by tuberculous peritonitis Clin Nucl Med. 2000 Mar;25(3):214-5. doi: 10.1097/00003072-200003000-00016. Authors T Hashimoto 1, K Koizumi, T Saguchi, H Kakiuchi, S Inoue, K Abe. Affiliation 1 Department of ...

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Gallium-67Scintigraphy inaCaseofTuberculousPeritonitis

Gallium-67 (Ga-67) is useful in the detection of active inflammatory lesions and certain tumors.8 It has been used widely in the evaluation of vario-us infectious diseases …

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Henan Shunying New Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Henan Shunying) was established in 2004, the company is located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, is a senior …

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Diagnostic features of tuberculous peritonitis in the absence …

Purpose: To determine diagnostic features of tuberculous peritonitis (TBP) in the absence and presence of chronic liver disease. Patients and methods: Thirty-four patients with TBP (13 without [Group I] and 21 with chronic liver disease [Group II] and 26 controls with cirrhosis and uninfected ascites (Group III) were studied. Results: The clinical features in …

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Acid fast bacillus smear, mycobacterial culture and Xpert …

Introduction. India is the country with the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) as well as drug resistant TB. As per the Global Tuberculosis Report 2020, it is the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent worldwide [].Tuberculous peritonitis (TBP), although rarer than its pulmonary counterpart, is a serious health concern in regions of …

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Tuberculous peritonitis | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia

Almaiah H, Tuberculous peritonitis. Case study, Radiopaedia (Accessed on 04 Apr 2024) https://doi/10.53347/rID-179143

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A case of tuberculous peritonitis monitored by gallium-67

Ga-67 scintigraphy revealed diffuse increased uptake throughout the abdomen. He was diagnosed with tuberculous peritonitis and began the treatment for tuberculosis …

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Tuberculous Peritonitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and …

Tuberculous peritonitis occurs when tuberculosis (TB) spreads to the protective lining of your abdomen. This can cause abdominal pain and swelling, but early antibiotic treatment can help.

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A case of tuberculous peritonitis monitored by gallium-67 …

An 18-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for further examination of fever of unknown origin and ascites. Ga-67 scintigraphy revealed diffuse increased uptake throughout the abdomen. He was diagnosed with tuberculous peritonitis and began …

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Peritoneal and Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Postpartum …

Because of the presence of mesenteric adenopathy and concern about a malignant process, tests for tumor markers revealed a mildly elevated CA-125 at 199.5 units/mL (normal range 0–35 units/mL) and an elevated alpha fetoprotein (AFP) at 13.67 ng/mL (normal range 0–5.63 ng/mL).

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Tuberculous peritonitis; The effectiveness of diagnostic …

Tuberculous peritonitis (TBP) is uncommon in Japan, and its diagnosis with conventional methods is time taking and requires a high clinical index of suspicion. Laparoscopy with peritoneal biopsy is a tool for rapid …

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An unusual case of peritonitis

Though peritonitis is a common complication in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), tuberculous peritonitis has been reported in only twelve CAPD patients in the world English literature to date. Successful outcome in those reported cases involved antituberculous therapy and in the majo …

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Tuberculous Peritonitis in Children: Report of Two Cases …

Br J Surg 1980;67:887-9. Cited Here | PubMed | CrossRef; 16. Addison NV. Abdominal tuberculosis-a disease revived. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1983;65:105-11. Cited Here | PubMed; 17. Shukla HS, Hughes LE. Abdominal tuberculosis in the 1970s: a continuing problem. Br J Surg 1978;65:403-6.

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A case of tuberculous peritonitis monitored by gallium-67 …

An 18-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for further examination of fever of unknown origin and ascites. Ga-67 scintigraphy revealed diffuse increased uptake throughout the abdomen. He was diagnosed with tuberculous peritonitis and began the treatment for tuberculosis (rifampicin, 450 mg/day orally and isoniazid, 300 mg/day …

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Early stage ovarian carcinoma with symptoms mimicking tuberculous

Rationale: Ovarian cancer has the poorest prognosis of the gynecological cancers. Early diagnosis and treatment are important, but early-stage ovarian carcinoma has nonspecific symptoms. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and serum CA-125 levels can be helpful but may not elucidate cases of diffuse peritoneal …

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A case of tuberculous peritonitis monitored by gallium …

Ga-67 scintigraphy revealed diffuse increased uptake throughout the abdomen. He was diagnosed with tuberculous peritonitis and began the treatment for tuberculosis (rifampicin, 450 mg/day orally and isoniazid, 300 mg/day orally, …

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A case of tuberculous peritonitis monitored by gallium-67 …

Ga-67 scintigraphy revealed diffuse increased uptake throughout the abdomen. He was diagnosed with tuberculous peritonitis and began the treatment for tuberculosis (rifampicin, 450 mg/day orally ...

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Tuberculous peritonitis in children: Two case reports

Tuberculous peritonitis is an uncommon extrapulmonary form of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, frequently presenting with nonspecific and insidious symptoms. Diagnosis is therefore difficult, unsuspected, and often delayed, especially in the pediatric patient without an obvious history o …

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[Echographic recognition of tuberculous peritonitis]

Objective: To assess the role of ultrasonography (US) and US-guided puncture in the diagnostic procedure of tuberculous peritonitis. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: An inner-city hospital: Westeinde Ziekenhuis, The Hague, the Netherlands. Methods: Of 12 patients with bacteriologically confirmed tuberculous peritonitis …

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Gallium-67 scanning of tuberculous peritonitis.

Gallium-67 scanning of tuberculous peritonitis. Baran RJ, Fratkin MJ. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine ...

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Diagnostic feature of tuberculous peritonitis in patients with

Ascitic protein levels were >25 g/l in 9 patients (75%) in the TBP group and in 2 patients (8%) in the SBP group; ascitic ADA activity levels were >27 U/l in 8 patients (67%) in the TBP group, but were not >27 U/l in any of the patients in the SBP group; ascitic LDH levels were >90 U/l in 10 patients (83%) in the TBP group and 5 patients (20% ...

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An Unusual Cause of Ascites in Liver Cirrhosis: Peritoneal …

Introduction. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis accounts for 18.7% of all tuberculosis (TB) cases in the United States (US), and peritoneal tuberculosis constitutes only 4.7% of all cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis [].Patients with liver cirrhosis are at an increased risk of developing tuberculous peritonitis (TBP).

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Tuberculous peritonitis following intestinal perforation in …

Tuberculous peritonitis is one of the most common causes of exudative ascites, especially in the young, and is an important cause of extra-pulmonary disease. However, tuberculous peritonitis is challenging to diagnose because there are no pathognomonic clinical features or imaging findings. Therefor …

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Tuberculous peritonitis in the first trimester of pregnancy

Tuberculous peritonitis in pregnancy is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that is not easily diagnosed. The clinical presentations of tuberculous peritonitis are usually non-specific and mimic those of other diseases, such as ovarian malignancy or chronic liver disease, and this non-specificity can cause diagnostic delays and …

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Tuberculous peritonitis

The most interesting feature of this case was the diffuse and intense uptake of gallium-67 in the abdomen. Though the initial chest X-ray showed only slight bilateral pleural effusion, …

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Tuberculous peritonitis in children: Two case reports …

Introduction. Although tuberculosis (TB) is on the decline in the United States, it remains a prevalent condition worldwide .The disease is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, affecting nearly 10 million patients per year and causing approximately 1.5 million deaths .While TB is typically known for affecting the lungs, the …

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Gallium-67-citrate scanning in tuberculous peritonitis

A 32-year old black, alcoholic male was noted to have an abnormal Gallium-67-citrate scan during a work-up for persistent fever. Surgical biopsies revealed findings of the dry form …

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